Use > Modeling > Modeling > Modeling Studio > Modeling Studio User Interface > Add/Edit Function Dialog Box

Add/Edit Function Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to define which of the query node's functions and parameters you want to include in the report.

To access Click the Add Function button under the Report Layout box in the Query Node Definition pane of the Pattern View Editor.
Important information

When defining the report columns for a selected query node in a view, template, or perspective, you can define a column consisting of data deriving from a function defined for one of its child query nodes. Select the relevant child query node, attribute, and function that you want to define.

First, select the required query node and function. The attribute list adjusts to display the relevant attribute for the selected combination. Select the required attribute.

Relevant tasks How to Define Report Settings
See also

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element (A-Z) Description
Attribute Select an attribute from the list.

From the Function list, select the function you want to use to calculate the results on these columns.

The following are the available options:

  • Average. The average value of the selected attribute for all the CI instances of the selected query node.

  • Concatenated List. Lists the values of the selected attribute for all the CI instances of the selected query node.

  • Count. Calculates the number of CI instances of the selected query node.

  • Distinct List. Lists the unique values of the selected attribute for all the CI instances of the selected query node.

  • Max. The maximum value of the selected attribute for all the CI instances of the selected query node.

  • Min. The minimum value of the selected attribute for all the CI instances of the selected query node.

  • Sum. The sum of the selected attribute values for all the CI instances of the selected query node.

Related Query Node The child query node on which you want to perform the function.
Title The name of the function attribute displayed in the report.