Use > Sequenced Designs > View resource offerings

View Resource Offerings

You can view Resource Offerings from the Resource Offerings page by selecting either Provider Type or Category.

Note: The default options selected are - Provider Type and All Resource Offerings. So, the system displays all Resource Offerings sorted by Provider Type by default.
  • Provider Type - When Provider Type is selected, all Providers in the system will be displayed in the left panel.

    Select a Provider Type and all Resource Offerings for the selected Provider Type will be displayed.

  • Category - When Category is selected, all categories in the system will be displayed in the left panel.

    Select a Category and all Resource Offerings for the selected category will be displayed.

To view the details of a specific Resource Offering, click on the Resource Offering.

For descriptions of the specific properties, see Create a resource offering.

Tip: You can easily identity if a Resource Offering is referenced with any design from the Resource Offerings page. A banner below the tabs displays the number of designs the Resource Offering is being used.