Transfer subscriptions

For more information about the Operations area, see Operations.

You can transfer subscriptions from one subscriber to another subscriber in the same organization, with the following restrictions:

  • You cannot transfer subscriptions that have group ownership.
  • The subscribers you want to transfer the subscription from and to must have logged into the Marketplace Portal at least one time.
  • Subscriptions with requests that are Approved but still in progress cannot be transferred. Subscriptions with requests that are Approved and have completed can be transferred.
  • Subscriptions with requests that are Paused cannot be transferred.
  • Subscriptions with requests that are Pending and awaiting approval can be transferred; the pending requests will be canceled.
  • Subscriptions with requests in any other state can be transferred.
  • The initial service request that created the subscription is transferred with the subscription; however, subsequent service requests for the subscription are not transferred.

To transfer subscriptions from one subscriber to another

  1. In the left pane of the Operations area, select the name of the organization whose subscription you want to transfer. The list of subscribers shown in the Users tab is the list of users who have logged in to the Marketplace Portal at least once. The list of offerings shown in the Offerings tab is the offerings that are published in the selected organization's catalogs.
  2. In the Users tab, select the user whose subscription you want to transfer. Or, in the Offerings tab, select the offering whose subscription you want to transfer.
  3. In the Subscriptions tab, select the subscription you want to transfer.
  4. Click the gear icon and select Transfer.
  5. Select the User Name of the subscriber to whom the subscriptions will be transferred.
  6. Click Transfer.