Administer > Monitoring SA Core components > Command Engine monitoring

Command Engine monitoring

The Command Engine is the means by which distributed programs such as Server Agents run across many servers. Command Engine scripts are written in Python and run on the Command Engine server. Command Engine scripts can issue commands to Server Agents. These calls are delivered in a secure manner and are auditable by using data stored in the Model Repository

Command Engine port

The Command Engine uses port 1018.

Monitoring processes for the Command Engine

On Linux, execute the command on the server running the Command Engine component:

# ps auxwww | egrep '(COMMAND$|waybot)' | grep -v grep

Running this command should produce output similar to the following output:


root  412  0.0   0.0 13600 1472   ?   S    Sep11   0:00  /opt/opsware/

bin/python /opt/opsware/pylibs/shadowbot/daemonbot.pyc
--conf /etc/opt/opsware/waybot/waybot.args

On Linux servers running kernel 2.4 or later, the Command Engine has one process.

Command Engine logs

The Command Engine logs are in the following files:


