Administer > Monitoring SA Core components > OS Media Server monitoring

OS Media Server monitoring

The OS Media Server, part of the OS Provisioning feature, is responsible for providing network access to the vendor-supplied media used during OS provisioning. The processes used to provide this support include the Samba SMB server and Sun Solaris NFS.

These applications are installed by the HPE BSA Installer but are not specific to SA. Specifically, SA provides a Samba package for Linux and Solaris that customers can use to install the OS Media Server. NFS services are provided by the operating system. Using the HPE BSA Installer to install the OS Media Server configures NFS on Linux and Solaris.

Monitor the Samba SMB server and Sun Solaris NFS applications by using standard system administration best practices for these applications.

OS Media Server ports

The OS Media Server uses the following ports:

  • The portmapper used by NFS is port 111.
  • Samba SMB uses ports 137, 138, 139, and 445.

OS Media Server logs

The OS Media Server logs are in the following files:

  • /var/log/opsware/samba/log.smbd
  • /var/log/opsware/samba/log.nmbd

Solaris and Linux OS provisioning use of vendor-provided services such as NFSD. These services typically log through syslog. Consult your vendor documentation for more information on these log files.