Administer > Monitoring SA Core components > OS Build Manager monitoring

OS Build Manager monitoring

The OS Build Manager component facilitates communications between OS Build Agents and the Command Engine. It accepts OS provisioning commands from the Command Engine, and it provides a runtime environment for the platform-specific build scripts to perform the OS provisioning procedures.

OS Build Manager ports

The OS Build Manager uses the following ports:

  • 1012 (HTTPS)
  • 1017 (SA Build Agent)

Monitoring processes for the OS Build Manager

In all configurations, the OS Build Manager component has a single running process.

On Linux, execute the command on the server running the OS Build Manager component:

# ps -eaf | grep -v grep | grep buildmgr

Running this command produces output similar to the following:

root  2174  1  0  Sep27  ?  00:13:54  /opt/opsware/j2sdk1.4.2_10/bin/
java -Xmx256m -Dbuildmgr -DDEBUG -DDEBUG_VERBOSE=1 -DLOG_OPTIONS=tTN -DLOG_FILE_THRESHOLD=10485760 -DLOG_FILE_RETAIN_COUNT=7 -DLOG_CLASSES=com.opsware.buildmgr.OutputStreamLo

OS Build Manager URL


The OS Build Manager UI is read-only and port 1012 for the UI is configurable.

OS Build Manager logs

The OS Build Manager logs are in the following files:

  • /var/log/opsware/buildmgr/buildmgr.log (Build Agent activities, OS provisioning activities)
  • /var/log/opsware/buildmgr/*.request.log (Web Server log; one file per day; 90 logs maximum)
  • /var/log/opsware/buildmgr/console.log
  • /var/log/opsware/buildmgr/servers/<IP_address or machine_ID or MAC_address> (A per connection log)

Conditions to monitor in the logs: the string “Traceback”