Administer > Monitoring SA Core components > Software Repository monitoring

Software Repository monitoring

The Software Repository, a component of the SA core, is where all software managed by SA is stored. The Software Repository is part of the SA Library. Each core has one or more software repositories. This section describes how to monitor the software repositories in your cores.

Software repository mirroring keeps the software repositories in a multimaster mesh in sync for redundancy and disaster recovery. For example, if you upload a software package to one core in the mesh, the software repository mirroring job will replicate that package to all the other software repositories in the mesh.

To enable or disable software repository mirroring or to change how frequently the software repository mirroring job runs, see Software repository mirroring parameters.

Software Repository ports

The Software Repository uses the following ports:

  • 1003 (Encrypted)
  • 1006 (Clear text)
  • 1005 (Replicator administrative user interface)
  • 5679 (Multimaster Software Repository)

Monitoring processes for the Software Repository - Linux

To check the software repository processes on Linux, run the following command on the server running the Software Repository component:

# ps auxwwww | grep -v grep | grep mm_wordbot

This command produces output similar to the following:

root  31006  0.0  0.0  13612  1492  ?  S  Sep11  0:00  /opt/opsware/bin/

python /opt/opsware/pylibs/shadowbot/daemonbot.pyc --conf /etc/opt/opsware/mm_wordbot/mm_wordbot.args

root  31007  0.0  0.1  103548  7688  ?  S  Sep11  7:33 /opt/opsware/bin/

python /opt/opsware/pylibs/shadowbot/daemonbot.pyc --conf /etc/opt/opsware/mm_wordbot/mm_wordbot.args

root  31092  0.0  0.0  13608  1480  ?  S  Sep11  0:00  /opt/opsware/bin/

python /opt/opsware/pylibs/shadowbot/daemonbot.pyc --conf /etc/opt/opsware/mm_wordbot/mm_wordbot-clear.args

root  31093  0.0  0.1  70172  6424  ?  S  Sep11  2:11 /opt/opsware/bin/

python /opt/opsware/pylibs/shadowbot/daemonbot.pyc --conf /etc/opt/opsware/mm_wordbot/mm_wordbot-clear.args

On Linux, the Software Repository has multiple running processes (most are threads), which are for the encrypted Software Repository and for the clear text Software Repository.

Software Repository logs

The logs for the Software Repository are in the following files:





Software Repository mirroring - SA Client

Software repository mirroring keeps all your software repositories in sync for redundancy and diSAter recovery. If one software repository fails, the other software repositories can continue servicing requests for software. To enable software repository mirroring, see Software repository mirroring parameters.

If you have Software Repository mirroring enabled, you can view and monitor the status of software repository mirroring as follows:

  1. Log in to the SA Client as a user with the Multimaster Tools permissions. For more information on permissions, see Permissions reference.
  2. Select the Administration tab.
  3. Select Software Repository Mirroring in the navigation panel. This displays the status of software repository mirroring in your multimaster mesh. The information displayed includes:
    • Number of Files in the Mesh: This is the total number of files in each fully synced software repository.
    • Total Disk Space Used: This is the approximate total disk space required by a fully synchronized software repository.
    • Status: Shows which software repositories have all needed files (green), which need files (yellow), and which have mirroring disabled (grey).
      • Green: All needed files are present in the facility’s software repository. The number of missing files is zero.
      • Yellow: One or more files are missing from the facility’s software repository and need to be updated. These facilities will be updated when the mirroring job next runs. The mirroring job runs periodically as defined by the mirroring job run period.
      • Grey: Software repository mirroring is disabled in the facility.
    • Facility: Shows the SA facility in which the software repository is running.
    • Files: The number of files currently in the host’s Software Repository.
    • Size: The approximate total disk space currently used by the Software Repository files.
    • Missing: The number of files that need to be mirrored by the facility’s Software Repository but that have not yet been replicated.

To change how frequently the software repository mirroring job runs, see Software repository mirroring parameters.

The following figure shows the Software Repository Mirroring status with three SA cores named Bangalore, London, and New York. A software package was uploaded to the London core. The yellow status indicators show that Bangalore and New York cores are out of sync–the software package has not been replicated to those two cores yet.

The following figure shows the Software Repository Mirroring state after the mirroring job has run and replicated the software package to all cores. The green status indicators show that all cores are in sync.