Administer > Monitoring SA Core components > Global File System monitoring

Global File System monitoring

The Global Shell feature is installed as part of any Slice Component bundle. It dynamically constructs the Global File System (OGFS) virtual file system.

The Global Shell can connect to a Server Agent to open a UNIX shell or a Windows Remote Desktop connection on a managed server.

The Global File System component consists of the following programs:

  • Hub: A Java program that interacts with other Core Components and Agents on Managed Servers (through the Agent Proxy) to compose the file system view.
  • Adapter: On Linux, a C program that transports file system requests and replies between the FUSE (a module in the kernel) and the Hub and uses the FUSE userspace library to communicate with the FUSE kernel module.
  • Agent Proxy: A Python program that provides the Hub with SSL connectivity to Agents running on managed servers.
  • FUSE (Linux Only): A file system in Userspace (FUSE) (software governed by the GNU GPL license) that provides in-kernel dispatch of file system requests into the Adapter.

The process group ID file for the Hub is located in the following directory:

  • /var/opt/opsware/hub/hub.pgrp

All Global File System programs (Hub, Adapter, Agent Proxy, and their log rotators) run in this process group.

Monitoring processes for the Global File System

On Solaris, execute the command on the server(s) running the Slice Component bundle:

# ptree $(ps -g $(cat /var/opt/opsware/hub/hub.pgrp) -o pid=)

Running this command produces output similar to the following:

7594 /opt/opsware/bin/python /opt/opsware/hub/bin/ /opt/


 7598 /opt/opsware/j2sdk1.4.2_10/bin/java -server -Xms64m -Xmx1024m


  7613 /opt/opsware/bin/python /opt/opsware/adapter/SunOS/bin/


    7617 /opt/opsware/ogfsutils/bin/python2.4 /opt/opsware/adapter/


     7618 /opt/opsware/adapter/SunOS/bin/mount -o hostpath=

/hostpath,nosuid /dev/ogdrv /v......

 7619 /opt/opsware/bin/python /opt/opsware/agentproxy/bin/rotator.pyc


  7625 /opt/opsware/bin/python /opt/opsware/agentproxy/lib/


On Solaris, the OGFS (specifically, the programs Hub, Adapter, and Agent Proxy) has seven running processes.

On Linux, execute the following command on the server running the Slice Component bundle.

# ps u -g $(cat /var/opt/opsware/hub/hub.pgrp)

Running this command produces output similar to the following:


root 8862 0.0 0.0 2436 1356 ? S Sep29 0:00 /opt/opsware/bin/python /opt/opsware/hub/bin/ /opt/opsware/j2sdk1.4.2_10/b......

root 8868 0.1 1.8 1256536 76672 ? S Sep29 35:51 /opt/opsware/j2sdk1.4.2_

10/bin/java -server -Xms64m -Xmx1024m -Dhub.kernel=Linux -Dh......

root 8906 0.0 0.0 2412 1304 ? S Sep29 0:28 /opt/opsware/bin/python /opt/


root 8908 0.0 0.0 13088 684 ? S Sep29 0:10 /opt/opsware/adapter/Linux/

bin/adapter.bin /var/opt/opsware/ogfs/mnt/ogfs -f -o none......

root 8913 0.0 0.0 2308 1132 ? S Sep29 0:00 /opt/opsware/bin/python /opt/

opsware/agentproxy/bin/rotator.pyc /opt/opsware/bin/pyt......

root 8923 0.0 0.1 153120 6544 ? S Sep29 5:56 /opt/opsware/bin/python


On Linux, OGFS (specifically, the programs Hub, Adapter, and Agent Proxy) has six running processes.

The Global File System also supports a status option to the init script for both Linux and Solaris.

On Linux or Solaris, execute the following command on the server running the Slice Component bundle to run this status option:

# /etc/opt/opsware/startup/hub status

Running this command produces output similar to the following:

Testing for presence of Hub process group file (/var/opt/opsware/hub/hub.pgrp) ... OK

Testing that processes are running in Hub process group (8862) ... OK

Testing that OGFS is mounted ... OK

Testing that the OGFS authenticate file is present ... OK

OGFS is running

Global File System Logs

The Hub logs are in the following files:

  • /var/log/opsware/hub/hub.log*
  • /var/log/opsware/hub/hub.out*

    Conditions to monitor in the Hub logs:

    • Strings containing “Can’t establish twist connection

The Adapter logs are in the following files:

  • /var/log/opsware/adapter/adapter.err*

The Agent Proxy logs are in the following files:

  • /var/log/opsware/agentproxy/agentproxy.err*

Monitoring processes for FUSE (Linux Only)

On Linux, execute the command on the server running the Slice Component bundle:

# lsmod | grep -v grep | grep fuse

Running this command produces output similar to the following:

fuse      31196 2

FUSE logs messages in the following file:

  • /var/log/messages

Monitoring processes for the SunOS Kernel module

On Solaris, the OGFS functionality relies on the SunOS kernel module.

Execute the command on the server running the Slice Component bundle:

# modinfo | grep -i opsware

Running this command produces output similar to the following:

137 1322cd8 43a9 272 1 ogdrv (Opsware GFS driver v1.13)

138 13ac227 338df 18 1 ogfs (Opsware Global Filesystem v1.14)

The Global File System logs messages related to SunOS kernel module in the following file:

  •  /var/adm/messages