Integrate > Case Exchange framework > Enable Case Exchange with another system > General procedure > Add and enable a Case Exchange integration instance > Integration Instance Parameters – Additional Script

Integration Instance Parameters – Additional Script

The following table explains the fields under the Additional Script tab in the Integration Instance Parameters page.

Section Fields Value Description
Authentication Set the HTTP header


Specify additional JavaScript function to set the HTTP header.

If you do not specify this field, the default HTTP header only provides Basic Authentication and Content-Type.

Login to the external system


Specify additional JavaScript function for login if the endpoint requires special login process.

If you do not specify this field, Case Exchange does not perform any login process and only sets the authentication information into the HTTP header.

Inbound Validate inbound response


Specify additional JavaScript function to validate the response body of an inbound request.

When the data comes in, this script validates the data before the data is pushed into the SMIS task queue. If you do not specify this field, Case Exchange only validates the response HTTP code and does not validate the response body.

Inbound & Push post processing activities


Specify additional JavaScript function to perform post process for inbound tasks.

This script performs post processing after SMIS processes the inbound task. If you do not specify this field, Case Exchange does not perform any post process for inbound tasks.

Outbound Validate & Parse outbound response


Specify additional JavaScript function to validate and parse the response body of outbound request. The function works in the following way:

  • If the validation succeeds, the function returns the parsed external ID.
  • If the validation fails, the function returns “False”.

If you do not specify this field, Case Exchange only validates the HTTP code and retrieves the ID according to the definitions in the Inbound tab.

Outbound post processing activities


Specify additional JavaScript function to perform post process for outbound tasks.

This script performs post processing after SMIS processes the outbound task. If you do not specify this field, Case Exchange does not perform any post process for outbound tasks.

Attachment Set the HTTP header


Specify additional JavaScript function to set the HTTP header for attachment.

If you do not specify this field, the default HTTP header only provides Basic Authentication and Content-Type.

Set header string for the HTTP body User-defined. Specify additional JavaScript function to assemble the header of the attachment request if the attachment exchange uses the multipart/form-data transfer.
Retrieve and parse Attachment Info


Specify additional JavaScript function to retrieve attachment information, such as attachment name, type, size, and so on.

Parse response of attachment creation


Specify additional JavaScript function to parse the response body of an outbound attachment request.

Update outbound Attachment Info


Specify additional JavaScript function to update the attachment information to the record in the endpoint. The information can link the attachment with the record. You do not need to specify this field if the endpoint system can automatically update the attachment information.