Creating necessary Format Control records

When you create a new category, you have the option to define format control records that are specific to your new category. A format control record allows you to control both how HPE Service Manager presents data on a form and how it stores the data in the application’s back-end tables. Change Management applies format control differently than other Service Manager applications. Change Management offers the following types of format control records.

Type of format control Description
Master format control record A master format control record applies to all changes of a particular category regardless of the phase the change is in. This type of format control record is associated to a category name. Service Manager uses the cm3r master format control for changes and the cm3t master format control record for change tasks. Change Management applies any master format control options during all change and task processing except for approval and background processing. Change Management processes a master format control record before a detail format control record.
Detail format control record A detail format control record applies only to changes in one particular phase. Service Manager processes a detail format control record when Change Management opens the phase’s associated detail form (the default view of that phase).

Service Manager uses the following rules to process format control options:

  • Service Manager processes add options when a user clicks Open.
  • Service Manager processes update options when a user clicks Update or Reopen.
  • Service Manager processes delete options when a user clicks Close.
  • Service Manager processes display options when a user selects a record from a record list.

The format control functions for a particular option (add, update, delete or display) execute after Change Management invokes the process but before it updates the record permanently. For example, Change Management executes the add options after a user clicks Create New Change but before the user clicks Save. Furthermore, Change Management executes display options after a user selects a record from a record list but before the system actually displays the record.

You can have both a master format control and a detail format control for each change or task process. If any of the format control functions fail for any reason, Service Manager returns the user to the most recent form and displays the appropriate error messages.