Delete an Error Control phase

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator>

As you reevaluate your organization's needs, you may determine that an Error Control phase you added earlier is no longer needed. In that case you can delete the record.

Warning: Make sure you are deleting the Error Control phase record you intend to delete. If you delete the wrong record, you will have to add the record again.

To delete an Error Control phase record:

  1. Click Problem Management > Administration > Error Control Phases.
  2. Use search or advanced search to find one or more records.

  3. Select the target record from the list to delete.
  4. Click Delete. A confirmation message displays, asking if you are sure you want to delete this record.

  5. Confirm your intended action, as follows:
    • Click Yes to confirm the record deletion.
    • Click No to cancel deleting the record.
  6. Click OK to exit.