Defining additional events

A new event can be defined and called by Format Control calculations, in the case that a specific condition must be checked for the event to occur at specialized times.

The syntax generally used to check for an event is as follows.

(x=o, q, or l): if (condition=true) then ($ in
$“event name”;$
  • The variable $ (where x = the area q, o, or l) is an array of character strings used to track the events that occur during a particular phase of processing.
  • The variable $ is a pointer to the next array element that can be used to record an event name.

Important: Once an event has been added to the array, it is important to increment the pointer by 1 (one). If this does not happen, the event previously recorded will be overwritten.

The event that is scheduled if the condition is true must be defined in the ocmevents file.