Use > Marketplace Portal > Requests > Review Requests > View Approval Details

View Approval Details

The Approval Details view displays the following information about the request order you selected, including a summary of checkout and configuration information you provide when the request is made.

  • The request name, user, and date the request was made.
  • The service request name and a brief description.
  • The subscription term.
  • Attached documents that provide the approver with more information.
  • A cost breakdown of configuration selections.
  • The image represents the service offering for which the request was created.

To view approval details

  1. In the Dashboard, in the More Actions section, select the Review Requests tile to open the Approvals view.

    By default, all requests are displayed by date, with the newest request listed first.

    Note If you are an approver of requests, by default, all requests that require approval are displayed.

  2. Scroll up or down the list to browse for requests marked approval needed or select Pending in the All Approval Statuses drop-down filter.

  3. When you find a request that you are interested in, select its icon or name to display the Approval Details view.