Troubleshoot > Troubleshooting: Error messages

Troubleshooting: SMA Service Management error messages

The following table lists SMA Service Management error IDs together with the associated English language error messages. By referring to the error code, you can troubleshoot error messages in non-English language versions of SMA Service Management.

Note The error messages below contain placeholders marked by escape characters (for example, %s). These are replaced by the return values in the error messages that you receive.

Error ID Error message
scgui - 95 The Service Manager Server has been shutdown
scgui - 99 Your inactive session has timed out, Client will terminate.
scgui - 100 Your Service Manager server %s terminated unexpectedly with signal %d. Client will terminate.
scgui - 335 File: %s is potentially unsafe and has been renamed to %s.UNSAFE.
scgui - 336 Attachment(s) may be corrupted
scgui - 337 SYSATTACHMENTS table definition is out - of - date
scgui - 338 SYSATTACHMENTS field 'data' must be able to hold binary data, but cannot in current configuration
scgui - 339 Error %d trying to acquire login lock for operator %s
scgui - 501 Maximum number of application tabs exceeded
scgui - 502 Server running low on memory, close some application tabs and try again
scgui - 503 Server running low on memory, relogin to the system
scrad - 1 unable to open connection
scrad - 2 %d open files
scrad - 3 dastod(options) failed
scrad - 4 label not found
scrad - 5 unable to allocate
scrad - 6 unable to de - allocate
scrad - 7 panel not reached: %S
scrad - 8 connection not open for read
scrad - 10 connection not open for write
scrad - 13 invalid write connection
scrad - 14 invalid vtam printer name
scrad - 16 unknown connect error
scrad - 20 export failed on disconnect
scrad - 22 unable to import record
scrad - 23 unable to export record
scrad - 24 Exit to unknown label: %S
scrad - 25 Not licensed for RAD compiles
scrad - 26 RAD stack is %d%% used, please exit out of current application.
scrad - 27 RAD stack is %d%% used, terminating RAD application.
scrad - 28 The input date time field \"%s\" doesn't exist or isn't mapped to RDBMS
scrad - 29 The input field \"%s\" is not of type date/time
scrad - 30 The input date time interval \"%s\" is invalid
scrad - 31 The input logic operator \"%s\" is invalid
scrad - 32 Regular expression match failed for input \"%s\"
scrad - 33 Invalid date time interval sign \"%s\", it should be either \"+\" or \" - \"
scrad - 34 The input field \"%s\" has no table alias
scrad - 35 SCFile.setSortOrder() expects two ARRAY parameters, for sort fields and sort sequences, and the array lengths must be equal
scrad - 36 You must specify a channel and a command.
scrad - 37 FDISP panels cannot be executed in the background.
scrad - 38 FDISP panels cannot be executed in non - GUI mode.
scrad - 39 FDISP panels cannot be executed from a database trigger application.
scrad - 40 The generate.list.view function requires three arguments.
scrad - 41 The inbox view could not be created
scrad - 42 The putform function requires an argument.
scrad - 43 The getform function requires at least one argument.
scrad - 44 You cannot use the simple.file.load() function to load the dbdict file.
scrad - 45 You cannot use %s as an index.
scrad - 46 RIO panels cannot be executed in the background.
scrad - 47 RIO panels cannot be executed in non - GUI mode.
scrad - 48 RIO panels cannot be executed from a database trigger application.
scrad - 49 You must include the mashup page UID for a mashup in the Format name.
scrad - 50 The \"%s\" file does not contain a \"systemplate\" field.
scrad - 51 The \"%s\" file does not contain a \"systemplatebak\" field. You must add this field to the dbdict before you call the %s() function.
scrad - 52 WOPEN panels cannot be executed in the background.
scrad - 53 WCLOSE panels cannot be executed in the background.
scrad - 54 WSELECT panels cannot be executed in the background.
scrad - 55 An error occurred in the dainit function. Please see the sm.log for details.
scrad - 56 The form includes an invalid RAD variable (\"%s\").
scrad - 57 The shutdown process may have failed. Please see the sm.log for details.
scrad - 58 The HTML document contains some tags %s that are not allowed by the system. Contact your Service Manager system administrator for assistance.
scrad - 59 The HTML document contains some attributes for tags (<tag attribute...>) %s that are not allowed by the system. Contact your Service Manager system administrator for assistance.
scrad - 60 The HTML document contains some values in the attributes of tags (<tag attribute>) %s that are not allowed by the system. Contact your Service Manager system administrator for assistance.
scdb - 1 Attempt to create an SQL file with P4 executables
scdb - 2 The record being deleted was already deleted
scdb - 3 The record being deleted has been modified since read
scdb - 4 Delete cancelled by trigger
scdb - 5 An error occurred while attempting to delete a record
scdb - 7 The record being added contains a duplicate key
scdb - 8 The record being added contains a NULL key
scdb - 9 The record being added contains all NULL keys
scdb - 10 Insert cancelled by trigger
scdb - 11 An error occurred while attempting to add a record
scdb - 12 Duplicate key value is: (%S)
scdb - 13 The record being updated contains a duplicate key
scdb - 14 The record being updated contains a NULL key
scdb - 15 The record being updated contains all NULL keys
scdb - 16 Update cancelled by trigger
scdb - 17 An error occurred while attempting to update a record
scdb - 18 The record being updated has been deleted
scdb - 19 The record being updated has been modified since read
scdb - 57 Failure trying to fully qualify keys in db dict
scdb - 59 Failure initializing DBDICT
scdb - 60 Failure getting %ld bytes of storage
scdb - 63 Sort field %S not found
scdb - 64 Error extending sort key to contain field %S
scdb - 96 REGEN of file '%S' is starting
scdb - 149 Error attempting to allocate %ld bytes
scdb - 150 Error building cascade delete query string for file %S
scdb - 151 Invalid data type of %ld used to join files
scdb - 152 Error initializing the %S file
scdb - 153 Error selecting records from the %S file
scdb - 154 Error getting the next record from the %S file
scdb - 156 File name %S must start with an alphabetic character and contain only alpha - numeric characters
scdb - 157 Field name %S in the %S file must start with an alphabetic character and contain only alpha - numeric characters
scdb - 175 Invalid JOINDEFS entry for '%S'. Filename is the same as joindef name
scdb - 206 SQL scan for IR regen completed successfully. %ld records processed.
scdb - 207 SQL scan for IR regen completed with errors. %ld records processed, %ld records had errors.
scdb - 208 IR Regen is starting to process adlrelation file
scdb - 209 IR Regen has finished processing %ld adlrelation records
scdb - 210 IR Regen is starting to process adlusermods file
scdb - 211 IR Regen has finished processing %ld adlusermods records
scdb - 212 IR Regen is starting to apply changes to IR index from shared memory
scdb - 213 IR Regen has completed.
scdb - 214 File '%S' is not mapped to SQL, cannot create file.
scdb - 215 File '%S' is not mapped to SQL, cannot drop file.
scdb - 216 Invalid JOINDEFS entry for '%S'. File '%S' has no unique key.
scdb - 230 Adding NOT NULL constraint for field '%S' in table '%S' failed, please change/remove the NULL values in records!
scdb - 231 Adding NOT NULL constraint for table '%S'.
scdb - 232 Adding NOT NULL constraint for mapped table '%S'.
scdb - 232 Add NOT NULL constraint for field '%S' successfully!
scdb - 233 Start to add NOT NULL constraint!
scdb - 234 End of adding NOT NULL constraint!
scdb - 235 Convert primary key for field '%S%s' in table '%S' successfully!
scdb - 236 Create function based index for field '%s%s' in table '%S' successfully!
scdb - 237 Failed to convert primary key for file '%S' on field '%s%s'
scdb - 238 Failed to create function based index for field '%s%s' in table '%S'
scdb - 239 Failed to restore unique key %S for file '%S' on field '%S%s'
scdb - 240 Cannot find a Service Manager file for '%S'. Can use \"sm - system_addconstrant:ALL:n\" if you want to convert all the files in system.
scdb - 241 Convert primary key for file '%S' via table copy successfully!
scdb - 242 Failed to convert primary key for file '%S' via table copy !
scdb - 243 Full table copy executed since a field which belongs to primary key got changed
scdb - 245 Failed to convert primary key for file '%S', please run command \"sm - system_addconstraint:%S:2\" to convert it via table copy
scdb - 246 The primary key feature is unsupported in Service Manager Application prior to 9.32
scdb - 247 The definition of first unique key of file '%S' is not up to date, please use Service Manager client to recreate the unique key manually
scdb - 248 The definition of first unique key of file '%S' is not up to date
scdb - 249 Failed to copy record %s into temporary file %s!
scdb - 250 Will try to convert file '%S' via table copy because cannot convert the unique key to primary key directly
scdb - 251 Will try to convert file '%S' via table copy because there is field RECORD_KEY exists in database table
scdb - 270 Start to create function index...
scdb - 271 End of creating function index. Time spent:[%02d:%02d:%02d]. %d file(s) processed in total, %d succeed, %d failed.
scdb - 272 Creating UPPER index for file '%S'.
scdb - 273 Creating UPPER index on fields %S for mapped table '%S'.
scdb - 274 [FAILURE] Failed to create UPPER index for mapped table '%S' for fields %S.
scdb - 275 Creating UPPER index for RECORD_KEY for mapped table '%S'.
scdb - 276 UPPER function index .
scdb - 277 RECORD_KEY is not in STRING type, no need to create function index, skipping.
scdb - 278 Function index (%S - %S) already created in table %S, skipping.
scdb - 279 No need to create function index %S for key %S in table %S because it doesn't contain any string field, skipping.
scdb - 280 UPPER index for file '%S' created successfully.
scdb - 281 [FAILURE] UPPER index for file '%S' completed with some error(s).
scdb - 282 This command is only supported with Oracle database, no need to use this command in other database.
scdb - 283 Please enable sqlupper:1 in sm.ini before running this command.
scdb - 284 Cannot find a Service Manager file for '%S'. Can use \"sm - system_createupperindex:ALL\" if you want to convert all the files in system.
scdb - 285 [FAILURE] Failed to create upper index for following SM files: \n\t%S
scdb - 286 The following files specified in command line are not found in system: \n\t%S
scdb - 287 The table name '%S' defined in the option of key %S is not found, please fix it manually and run this command again.
scdb - 288 [FAILURE] Failed to create UPPER index for mapped table '%S' for fields %S because there is duplicate data, please resolve the duplicate manually then run this command again
scdb - 289 Failed to set update constraint
scdb - 290 IR Regen can not be performed without IR key!
scdb - 291 Error: the WHERE clause string exceeds 64k
scdb - 292 Oracle SQL database connection failed
scdb - 293 IR Query terminated (During shallow phase) by time limitations
scdb - 294 IR Query terminated by time limitations
scdb - 295 IR Query terminated (During deep phase) by time limitations
scdb - 296 The result came from cache
scdb - 297 LDAP is disabled
scdb - 298 SM doesn't support operation on table with primary key when application version is older than 9.32!
scdb - 299 Table %s is already used, we will try to create %s instead!
scdb - 300 Failed to map the SQL COLUMN \"%s\" to DBDICT field \"%s\", it has already been mapped to DBDICT field \"%s\".
scbase - 1 Invalid index: Element %d too large (%ld)
scbase - 2 Invalid index: It is too large (%ld)
scbase - 3 Invalid index: It is negative (%ld)
scbase - 4 Invalid index: Element %d is negative (%ld)
scbase - 5 Invalid index: It has a type of %s
scbase - 6 Invalid index: It is NULL
scbase - 7 Invalid index: Element %d is NULL
scbase - 8 Invalid index: Element %d has type %s
scbase - 9 Invalid Parmaeter: NULL index
scbase - 10 Invalid Parmaeter: NULL target datum
scbase - 11 Warning, indexing to a NULL datum
scbase - 12 Indexing into a %s type datum which is not a compound data type
scbase - 13 Maximum array length (%d) exceeded
scbase - 14 Field: %S, type %d(%s) does not match dbdict type of %d(%s)
scbase - 15 Invalid DATUM: Length of aggregate not multiple of DATUM size
scbase - 16 The maximum string length of %ld has been exceeded
scbase - 17 Attempt to index past the end of a string
scbase - 18 Attempt to allocate %d bytes for a string failed
scbase - 19 Cache support could not get its lock
scbase - 20 Cache support is out of shared memory
scbase - 21 error allocating fldName buffer in dadtosql()
scbase - 22 invalid work pointer
scbase - 23 out of memory
scbase - 24 unable to allocate element
scbase - 27 can't convert string
scbase - 28 Field failed data conversion
scbase - 31 %S
scbase - 32 virtual join cannot find link field
scbase - 33 virtual join cannot find link record
scbase - 34 virtual join could not init relation %s
scbase - 35 Format field %S is type STRUCTURE but no subformat supplied, field ignored
scbase - 36 Format field %S could not be found in the database dictionary
scbase - 37 Multiline text edits can not have scalar input fields
scbase - 42 Field contains an invalid expression
scbase - 43 Lock error
scbase - 44 Datum exceeds max string size
scbase - 45 There have been %ld invalid login attempts since your last login
scbase - 46 invalid argument passed to ussaf.
scbase - 47 Unexpected error in ussaf
scbase - 48 login failed. Maximum number of users logged in.
scbase - 49 Named user: \"%S\" is already logged on.
scbase - 50 Error during login: user is already logged in.
scbase - 51 Unexpected error during login.
scbase - 52 Maximum number of login attempts has been reached.
scbase - 53 System quiesced, logins restricted at this time
scbase - 54 System quiesced, you cannot login at this time
scbase - 55 Invalid login name/password. Please try again.
scbase - 57 Your password has Expired.
scbase - 58 Your login name has been revoked.
scbase - 59 You are not authorized on this terminal.
scbase - 60 Login failed. Error accessing the \"info\" file.
scbase - 61 Login failed. Maximum active logins for this user exceeded.
scbase - 63 Attempt to allocate log greater than 500 entries
scbase - 64 Number of log entries must be > 0
scbase - 65 Log not opened, cannot resume logging
scbase - 66 Log not opened, cannot retrieve messages
scbase - 67 Invalid retrieve arg, must be 0 - 3 for argument 2
scbase - 68 Named user: \"%S\" is not a valid named user.
scbase - 69 Error allocating hash table in opened files
scbase - 70 Numeric index %S into struct exceeds number of fields for file %S
scbase - 71 Bad rc length
scbase - 72 variable.send requires a variable name as argument 1
scbase - 73 rcput cannot convert datum type(%s)
scbase - 74 warning: field %S not found in file %S
scbase - 75 Incompatible binaries are being used. The program that created shared memory is not compatible with the current program
scbase - 76 key %d field %d (%S) not found
scbase - 77 key %d field %S type=%d
scbase - 78 obsolete as of 11/27/2001 CHG */
scbase - 79 Network times are slow, may result in clock inaccuracies.
scbase - 80 Process %s scheduled
scbase - 82 You are already in a fixed key application, function key ignored
scbase - 83 Held resource (%s) for %ld milliseconds
scbase - 84 Waited for resource (%s) for %ld milliseconds
scbase - 85 Query (%S) took %ld milliseconds to complete
scbase - 87 Partial File Scan for query involving fields %S
scbase - 88 Truncated data for field (%S) in file (%S) in a record identified by (%S)
scbase - 89 Duplicate mapping. Service Manager fields (%S) and (%S) are both mapped to SQL field (%S)
scbase - 92 Stalled irqueue contains %ld records
scbase - 95 irqueue appears to be stopped while processing record %s
scbase - 97 CPU threshold exceeded by user %s
scbase - 98 Virtual storage threshold exceeded by user %s. Currently has %ld bytes allocated
scbase - 99 SQL Query incomplete because field (%S) not mapped in file (%S)
scbase - 100 SQL Query incomplete because field (%S) in file (%S) can not be used in an SQL query
scbase - 101 SQL Query incomplete because field (%S) in file (%S) is stored as a BLOB
scbase - 102 SQL Query incomplete because field (%S) in file (%S) is mapped as an array
scbase - 105 Corrupted IR index detected
scbase - 106 Hit Ratio not achieved on file %S and query (%S): Of %ld records checked so far, %ld did not match the query
scbase - 107 Hit Ratio not achieved on file %S and query (%S): Of %ld records checked, %ld did not match the query
scbase - 108 Duplicate mapping. Service Manager fields (%S) and (%S) are both mapped to SQL field (%S). Filename = %S
scbase - 111 Errors occurred converting timezone record, check the Service Manager log for details.
scbase - 112 Attempting to authenticate a user that does not exist in the LDAP Directory
scbase - 113 LDAP server is not responding to your request
scbase - 114 LDAP server has exceeded its record size limit
scbase - 115 LDAP server has exceeded its time limit
scbase - 116 LDAP server does not contain this user
scbase - 117 Operator/Password combination is not authenticated by the LDAP server
scbase - 118 LDAP server protocol error received
scbase - 119 Unable to enforce no strict login with LDAP set as primary source
scbase - 120 User is not allowed ODBC Access
scbase - 122 User is not allowed SOAP API Access
scbase - 123 You are not licensed for Self Service Ticketing
scbase - 124 This user is a template in the operator file. You cannot login as user %s.
scbase - 126 Your Service Manager session is shutting down in %d minutes for maintenance. Please save your work and log out. You can log in again immediately.
scbase - 127 Your inactive session will terminate in %ld minutes
scbase - 128 Your Service Manager session %d (TID# %d) has no actione for %d minute(s).
scbase - 129 User %s killed after %s of inactivity.
scbase - 130 Your inactive session will terminate in %ld minutes, do you want to extend your session time?
scbase - 131 Your session extended successfully.
scbase - 132 Memory quota for your session has been exceeded. The data returned from server may be incomplete. Please save your work and log out. Then log in again.
scbase - 133 User is not allowed Restful API Access
scbase - 134 Your current session consumed %ldMB memory over the maximum %ldMB allowed memory, logout and login to release the current memory.
scbase - 135 The memory consumed by your current session exceeded the maximum %ldMB allowed memory. Session terminated.
scbase - 137 Your Service Manager Client %s and Server %s are incompatible which will cause unexpected errors. Please report this issue to your system administrator.
scbase - 138 Failed to change password due to the LDAP server is down
scbase - 139 Globallist %s contains too many items! num=%d
scbase - 140 Your last successful login was on %s
scbase - 141 Your Client is running in non - FIPS mode, but the Service Manager Server is running in FIPS mode. For the highest security, we recommend you enable FIPS mode for the Client.
scev - 1 Cannot evaluate expression %s
scev - 2 Invalid expression
scev - 3 dacopy failed
scev - 4 Stack overflow
scev - 5 Bad arg(%d) oper %s
scev - 6 Cannot evaluate (%S)
scev - 7 Cannot add 2 dates
scev - 8 Cannot %s %s and %s
scev - 9 Cannot %s %s
scev - 10 can't find field: %s
scev - 11 Connection not valid for client, use background scheduler on server
scev - 12 Invalid connection type
scev - 13 Invalid arguments on connect panel
scev - 15 File variable is not valid
scev - 16 Error scanning file
scev - 17 File variable is not a relation
scev - 18 Source file variable is not a relation
scev - 19 Target file variable two is not a relation
scev - 20 Invalid NULL filename
scev - 21 File variable is null"
scev - 22 Advanced conversion error - no filename
scev - 23 Failure initializing file
scev - 24 %s: requires one argument
scev - 25 %s: requires three argurments
scev - 26 %s: argument %d must be type STRING
scev - 27 %s: argument %d must be type NUMBER
scev - 28 %s: argument %d must be type RELATION
scev - 29 %s: argument %d must be type RELATION or STRING
scev - 30 %s: argument %d must be type ARRAY or STRING
scev - 33 Insufficient parameters
scev - 34 %s: insufficient parameters
scev - 35 Invalid parameters (NULL values)
scev - 36 Invalid number of parameters
scev - 37 Invalid argument
scev - 38 %s: invalid argument
scev - 39 Parameter %d must be valid RELATION
scev - 40 Parameter %d must be type %s in function %s
scev - 41 2nd parameter in subset mandant call must be a string
scev - 42 3rd parameter in set mandant call must be an array
scev - 43 Invalid mandant function request. Must be 0 or 1
scev - 44 non string arg passed to inscopy
scev - 45 negative length arg passed to contract function
scev - 46 negative length arg to string function
scev - 47 arg1, arg3 type mismatch
scev - 48 negative count arg passed to replicate function
scev - 49 Invalid number of parameters to %S function of RTEFUNC
scev - 50 Parameters to FILLDATE must be relation and field name
scev - 51 Field name not known
scev - 52 Field %S not found
scev - 53 Parameter 4 to FILEINIT must be the source file
scev - 54 Parameters 3 and 4 to RECORDDUPLICATE must be relations
scev - 55 Application and topic names must be specified
scev - 56 Invalid conversation specified
scev - 57 Item name and value must be specified
scev - 58 Channel and command must be specified
scev - 61 %s: function no longer supported
scev - 62 cleanup called with no argument
scev - 63 frestore called with no argument
scev - 64 frestore called with null argument
scev - 65 Could not restore var contents
scev - 66 Invalid login name
scev - 67 Invalid password
scev - 68 Invalid new password
scev - 69 Access to database files not authorized.
scev - 70 You must first call the \"user.login\" panel or run with the \" - bg\" option
scev - 78 Invalid TRUE query
scev - 79 Invalid query
scev - 80 Invalid FALSE query
scev - 81 Query field (%S) in (%S) not defined in dbdict
scev - 82 First parameter to java() must be an object handle or class name
scev - 83 Second parameter to java() must be a method name
scev - 84 Cannot access lock data
scev - 85 evlibcll not supported on this platform
scev - 86 Invalid argument to operator %s
scev - 87 contents operator only valid for Relations
scev - 88 %s
scev - 89 message send failed
scev - 90 cannot use %s as index
scev - 91 Spool variable is not valid
scev - 92 Unknown error return from sqdelete
scev - 93 Cannot increment a date by a date
scev - 94 Must provide a command ARRAY
scev - 95 Invalid table variable
scev - 96 Error in parameters for function: make.sig
scev - 97 Cannot set system - wide timezone from client.
scev - 98 Function %S is not known to the RTEFUNC function
scev - 99 $PROPERTY.%S;%S;%S
scev - 100 nonnumeric index or length
scev - 101 string %i negative index
scev - 102 string %i index exceeds string length
scev - 103 strcopy index + length > length of s1
scev - 104 %s: invalid length
scev - 105 Failure attempting to allocate storage
scev - 106 Cannot attach process
scev - 107 Undefined field or variable.
scev - 108 syntax error in parse
scev - 120 Selected record no longer in set
scev - 127 cannot regen
scev - 128 cannot reset
scev - 129 default of file3 chosen
scev - 130 Wrong or mismatched type in increment or decrement
scev - 131 Could not send signal to the session
scev - 132 invalid sort order field name
scev - 133 Unable to locate application \"%S\"
scev - 134 syntax error: ' occurs in string
scev - 135 \"%S\" symbol error
scev - 137 Attempt to allocate a string failed
scev - 138 Unable to rcget string
scev - 139 Invalid syntax for query. Failed parsing
scev - 140 Internal error attempting to process query
scev - 141 Unexpected data type for field (%S) in (%S): Expected %ld and got %ld
scev - 142 String does not contain specified character separator
scev - 143 Invalid module name passed to set.module.license
scev - 144 Argument 2 to set.module.license must be \"named\" or \"floating\"
scev - 145 JS Library functions (%S) does not exist
scev - 146 %s: RAD panel no longer supported
scev - 147 %s: RAD panel execution not allowed in this execution mode
scev - 148 %s: RAD function execution not allowed in this execution mode
scev - 149 Process panel %S in RAD %S encountered error in line %d
scev - 150 evaluate.query() called with too few arguments
scev - 151 evaluate.query(): first argument must be of type OPERATOR or STRING, got type %d
scev - 152 evaluate.query(): second argument must be of type RELATION, got type %d
scev - 153 A host name was not provided by the RAD signal panel. Signal request ignored.
scev - 154 Creating file '%S'...
scev - 155 Completed creation of file '%S'.
scev - 156 Loading file '%S'...
scev - 157 Loaded %ld records into file '%S'.
scev - 158 Loaded 1 record into file '%S'.
scev - 159 Failed to create file '%S'.
scev - 160 Target file '%S' already exists, abending simple.file.load() call.
scev - 161 Dropping file '%S'...
scev - 162 Completed drop of file '%S'.
scev - 163 Unload file contains dbdict record for file '%S', load request was made for '%S'
scev - 164 Expected a dbdict record, but found the header for something else: 0x%08X. Abending call to simple.file.load()
scev - 165 Expected a data record, but found the header for something else: 0x%08X. Abending call to simple.file.load()
scev - 166 Failed to create file '%S', abending simple.file.load() call.
scev - 167 Loaded %ld records into file '%S', %ld had errors.
scev - 168 Failed to load 1 record into file '%S'.
scev - 169 Ignoring columns on select panel for file '%S', file is not readonly
scev - 170 Select panel called with unknown column '%s', in file '%s'
scev - 171 Invalid arguments when judging existence of file, full qualified path is supposed
scev - 172 Field %s must be type STRING or ARRAY
scev - 173 Value type is mismatched with the type of field %s
scev - 174 Set private log fail due to file name is invalid or path is not accessable!
scev - 175 Private log file name already set to %s , no need to set it again!
scev - 176 At least one debug parameter are invalid, the setdebug support parameters are: %s
scir - 1 IR Expert could not load %s due to a shared memory shortage
scir - 2 Error while reading file '%s'
scir - 3 Error attempting to open file %s in %s mode
scir - 4 IR Expert could not create file '%s'
scir - 5 Creation parameters where (%s)
scir - 6 ir_volser parameter was not specified and could be the reason for the failure
scir - 7 Error attempting to seek to %ld in file %s
scir - 8 Error %ld attempting to write at end of file %ld")
scir - 9 Error attempting to get free space in file '%s'
scir - 10 IR failed to enqueue on resource (%s)
scir - 11 %s request not processed because of previous I/O Error on file %s
scir - 12 %s request not processed because of I/O Error on file %s
scir - 13 The term '%S' is used in %ld of the %ld documents and is therefore being ignored
scir - 14 %ld documents contain all the terms
scir - 18 SQL portion of combined query has been truncated at %d records. Your IR query result might be incomplete.
scir - 19 The search text entered contains only excluded words
scir - 20 The term '%S' was ignored during the search due to its high frequency and low importance index(like a stop word)
scsql - 5 Error attempting to allocate %ld bytes of storage
scsql - 6 Incorrect number of parameters for stored procedure call
scsql - 7 Unsupported datatype for parameter %ld
scsql - 8 Could not find column %S in sqlda (not defined in table)
scsql - 9 Error converting between local timezone and GMT
scsql - 10 Error converting date/time to internal format
scsql - 11 Unable to parse date for column %s
scsql - 12 Unrecognized length of float in sqlda for column %s
scsql - 13 Unrecognized type (%ld) in sqlda for column %s
scsql - 14 Error converting data into SQL format
scsql - 15 Length (%ld bytes) of data for field %S in %S exceeds max (%ld bytes), truncated
scsql - 16 Invalid data type (%ld)
scsql - 17 Error converting between types
scsql - 18 Error (%s) while processing field '%S' (received type:%ld, expected type:%ld) in file '%S'.
scsql - 25 sqldb parameter not specified - unable to connect to DB2
scsql - 30 IR query cancelled. Not licensed for IR Expert.
scsql - 31 delete terminated after max retry attempts
scsql - 32 delete terminated - could not access row id
scsql - 33 error selecting record after add
scsql - 34 Regen Failed
scsql - 35 error selecting record after update
scsql - 36 update terminated after max retry attempts
scsql - 37 update terminated - could not access row id
scsql - 38 Empty key value list returned
scsql - 39 Empty string returned from datumToText()
scsql - 40 invalid unload format
scsql - 41 get terminated after max retry attempts
scsql - 42 file \"%S\" does not contain a required key
scsql - 43 unable to convert value of key field \"%S\" from type %s to type %s
scsql - 44 could not find a mapping entry for alias \"%S\" in file \"%S\"
scsql - 45 unable to convert value of field %S from type %s to type %s
scsql - 46 Error allocating hash table in sqinit()
scsql - 47 unable to open file
scsql - 48 unable to find timezone record: %s
scsql - 49 date format '%s' unrecognized in sqlda
scsql - 50 unable to adjust timezone
scsql - 52 unable to copy string
scsql - 53 Error allocating buffers in %s
scsql - 54 exceeded maximum sql length in %s
scsql - 55 unable to translate datum
scsql - 56 empty table name list in tableNames()
scsql - 57 could not find field \"%s\" in dbdict for file %S
scsql - 58 field %S cannot be used in a query
scsql - 59 unable to extend tables array in sqmkFieldName()
scsql - 60 empty key name list generated in sqmkKeyNames()
scsql - 61 could not find key %S in %S
scsql - 62 data type of field %S in record is %d, dbdict says %d
scsql - 63 unable to convert key to datum in searchCondition()
scsql - 64 unable to read key value in searchCondition()
scsql - 65 cannot rcget key value in whereCondition()
scsql - 66 unable to update column
scsql - 67 unable to evaluate expression
scsql - 68 Incomplete record, could not process data for table %S in file %S identified by key: %S
scsql - 69 Incomplete record, could not retrieve data for table %S in file %S identified by key: %S
scsql - 70 File Copy: Copying %ld records from %S. Completed %ld
scsql - 71 Number of files to convert = %ld %S
scsql - 72 Scanning system with %ld records. Scanned %ld records
scsql - 73 File Copy: Copying records from %S. Completed %ld
scsql - 74 Moving
scsql - 75 Move
scsql - 76 Moved
scsql - 77 Creating
scsql - 78 Removing
scsql - 79 Regenning
scsql - 80 IR Regenning
scsql - 81 IR Regen
scsql - 82 IR Regenned
scsql - 83 Scanning
scsql - 84 Scan
scsql - 85 Scanned
scsql - 86 Calculating...
scsql - 87 Mapping
scsql - 88 Unknown
scsql - 89 Almost Done...
scsql - 90 File Copy: About to copy %ld records from '%S' to '%S'
scsql - 94 Mapping error in file %S for table %S
scsql - 95 File Copy: About to copy records from '%S' to '%S'
scsql - 96 Length (%ld chars) of data for field %S in %S exceeds max (%ld chars), truncated
scsql - 97 File Copy: Successfully copied %ld records from '%S' to '%S'; %ld records rejected
scsql - 98 File Copy: Successfully copied %ld records from '%S' to '%S'
scsql - 99 Cannot include table '%S' in dbdict for file '%S', it does not have the columns for the primary/unique key.
scsql - 100 Key #%d is empty.
scsql - 101 Changing SQL data type from '%S' to '%S' for column '%S' in table '%S' is not supported. Update cancelled.
scsql - 102 Executing SQL statement: %s
scsql - 103 Invalid key definition, key #%d and #%d use the same fields in the same order.
scsql - 104 Table '%S' for file '%S' is missing unique key columns.
scsql - 105 All tables for new file '%S' have been found on the RDBMS and will be reused.
scsql - 106 Only some tables for new file '%S' have been found on the RDBMS, cannot continue with file create.
scsql - 107 All columns of file '%S' are currently either mapped to NULLTABLE or not mapped at all, rejected request to remove file.
scsql - 108 Could not import columns from table '%S'
scsql - 109 Could not import column %S of type %S from table %S into dbdict record, SQL type is ambiguous
scsql - 110 Shortening SQL data type from '%S' to '%S' for column '%S' in table '%S' is not supported. Update cancelled.
scsql - 113 Maximum number of groups (%ld) exceeded. Please modify the view definition to reduce the number of groups.
scsql - 114 Unrecognized data type '%.*s' encountered, Please check data type input.
scsql - 115 Unable to locate field '%S' in any file.
scsql - 116 Unable to locate field '%S' in file '%S'.
scsql - 117 Field '%S' is invalid.
scsql - 118 There is invalid field in query '%S'
scsql - 119 The '%s()' function is not supported in cross table queries.
scsql - 120 Queries on Blob/Clob/Text/Image field is not supported in cross table query.
scsql - 121 The join condition \"%S\" cannot be converted into an SQL expression. One or more fields might be a Blob/Clob/Text/Image field.
scsql - 122 Cannot sort or group on array field '%S'
scsql - 123 Cannot sort or group on field '%S'
scsql - 124 Joining tables of derived file type like JOIN_FILE or MERGED_FILE is not supported.
scsql - 125 Joining tables from different RDBMS is not supported.
scsql - 126 The file alias '%S' is specified, but the definition cannot be found.
scsql - 127 Error parsing the WHERE clause
scsql - 128 Error parsing the JOIN clause
scsql - 129 The parameter in '%s' is not supported in function '%s()'.
scsql - 130 Field \"%s\" used in query is not mapped or mapped to Blob/Clob/Text/Image.
scsql - 140 Fields count(%d) defined in foreign key is mismatched with primary key defined in (%s)
scsql - 141 Maximum number of records (%ld) exceeded in a recordset. Please modify the query condition to reduce the number of records.
scsql - 142 Running query on replicate database is disabled, no data fetched. Query: '%S'
scsql - 143 Sqltype '%S' can't be used for a non - IR key field %S in table %S because index can't be created for %S
scsql - 144 The sum of sizes of fields %S exceeds the DBMS index limit. %S and later fields will be excluded when creating the index for table %S.
scsql - 145 The sum of sizes of fields %S for table %S exceeds the DBMS index limit. Inserting records with columns exceeding DBMS index limit will fail.
scsql - 146 Reference field has been specified more than once in the order by list. Only could have one reference field in the order by list.
scsql - 147 Fail to convert string data type to number type due to invalid input data(%s)
scut - 1 Field contains an invalid numeric value
scut - 2 Field contains an invalid date/time value
scut - 3 Field contains an invalid logical value
scut - 4 Field contains an invalid expression
scdp - 1 Validation rule does not result in TRUE/FALSE condition on field %S (%S)
scdp - 2 %S is not valid. Please change it and try again (%S)
scdp - 3 %S is a required field. Please supply one
scdp - 4 %S is not a valid %S
scdp - 5 algorithm
scdp - 6 key
scdp - 7 Cannot decrypt the field using DES alogrithm for file %S. This is not an error if it was encrypted in other algorithm, e.g. AES
scdp - 8 WARNING: You are about to change the encryption %S.\n Make sure that you have the authority of administrator.\n\nAre you sure that you want to continue(Y/N)?
scdp - 9 \n\nUnable to change the encryption key without an old key and an new key.\nEither providing an old key or a new key, or both.\nDefault key will be used if you do not provide for either one.
scdp - 10 \n\nAbout to change the encryption algorithm without an old key and a new key.\nDefault keys will be used for both the old key of DES and the new key of AES.
scdp - 11 \n\nAbout to change the encryption key without an old %S.\nDefault key will be used as the old key, and new key is provided.\nIt may result in data loss to change the default key if new key is lost.
scdp - 12 \n\nAbout to change the encryption %S without a new key.\nDefault key will be used as the new key.
scdp - 13 Are you sure you want to continue(Y/N)?
scdp - 14 End of encryption key convertion for file '%S'.
scdp - 15 Finished all converting.
scdp - 16 IMPORTANT: Replace the encryptionkey:%s parameter in your sm.ini file\n with encryptionkey:%.*s \n before restarting Service Manager.
scdp - 17 IMPORTANT: Remove the encryptionkey:%s parameter in your sm.ini file\n before restarting Service Manager.
scdp - 18 IMPORTANT: Add the encryptionkey:%.*s parameter in your sm.ini file\n before restarting Service Manager.
scdp - 19 IMPORTANT: the encryptionkey will be the default key.
scdp - 20 Start to convert encryption values for file '%S' ...
scdp - 21 %d records processed
scdp - 22 Will convert on these fields: %s
scdp - 23 Checking file '%S', no encrypted field, skip it.
scdb - 24 End of encryptionkey!
scxml - 0 Server already started
scxml - 1 %s request not valid without previous start request
scxml - 2 No method supplied
scxml - 3 No such method: %s
scxml - 4 Missing or invalid XML document
scxml - 5 Invalid thread number
scxml - 6 Thread has no IO block
scxml - 7 Error generating form %s
scxml - 8 Error generating data - %s line %s
scxml - 9 Initial RAD application not found
scxml - 10 Invalid service call - %s
scxml - 11 Invalid event name - %s
scxml - 12 Error setting event field %s
scxml - 13 The %s attribute is missing from the recordset request
scxml - 14 Invalid operation provided on recordset SOAP request - %s
scxml - 15 Invalid file handle provided on recordset SOAP request - %s
scxml - 16 Invalid or missing file name in XML request
scxml - 18 RAD call failed with cc %d
scxml - 19 Doc Engine call failed with cc %d msg: %s
scxml - 20 Authentication failure
scxml - 21 Update, delete or merge request would affect zero or more than one record(s)
scxml - 22 File operation failed with cc %d
scxml - 23 XML DOM exception caught - code %d msg %s
scxml - 24 Unknown exception caught
scxml - 25 Exception while parsing - code %d msg %s
scxml - 26 Get request found more than one record
scxml - 27 Login credentials missing
scxml - 28 Error opening or reading languages file
scxml - 29 Error running startup application
scxml - 30 Failure starting system event %s
scxml - 31 Missing or invalid language id
scxml - 32 Connection to API server not allowed
scxml - 33 SSL is required to connect to this server
scxml - 34 Error %d occurred while trying to store attachment(s)
scxml - 35 Error %d occurred while trying to store image
scxml - 36 Error %d occurred while trying to delete attachment(s)
scxml - 37 SOAP API not licensed
scxml - 38 The data in the '%S' field of record %S of file %S contains data that does not conform to the dbdict
scxml - 39 %s: XML document failed to parse
scxml - 40 Error generating data - %s line %d
scxml - 41 The data in the '%S' field of record %S of file %S contains data that does not conform to the SOA datatype in datadict
scxml - 42 Error %d occured while trying to serve soap request
scxml - 43 A SOAP transport protocol error occured. Code %d %d Method %s
scxml - 44 Invalid SOAP Body
scxml - 45 Failed to create document: %s
scxml - 46 Application - defined SOAP request would affect zero or more than one record(s)
scxml - 47 Error generating graph %s
scxml - 48 A header representing a Message Addressing Property is not valid and the message cannot be processed
scxml - 49 A required header is missing
scxml - 50 No route can be determined to reach %s
scxml - 51 The %s action cannot be processed at the receiver
scxml - 52 The endpoint is unable to process the message at this time
scxml - 53 The sender was not authorized to access the resource
scxml - 54 The sender attempted to create a resource which already exists
scxml - 55 The requested filter could not be processed
scxml - 56 The action could not be completed due to concurrency or locking problems
scxml - 57 The requested delivery mode is not supported
scxml - 58 The receiver refuses to accept delivery of events and requests that the subsciption be cancelled
scxml - 59 An internal encoding limit was exceeded in a request or would be violated if the message were processed
scxml - 60 The service cannot comply with the request due to internal processing errors
scxml - 61 The request message has unknown or invalid content and cannot be processed
scxml - 62 The XML content is not valid
scxml - 63 Filter dialect requested unavailable
scxml - 64 The supplied enumeration context is invalid
scxml - 65 Please rebuild your application.
scxml - 66 Error generating hover form %s
scxml - 67 Failed to expand XML document buffer to %ld bytes
scxml - 68 Exceeded virtual join record limit of %ld records on subform %s. Unable to display all virtual join records.
scxml - 69 The size (%d bytes) of attachment (%s) exceeded the limitation (%d bytes)
scxml - 70 The total size (%d bytes) of attachments exceeded the limitation (%d bytes)
scxml - 71 The total number of attachments in this record (%d) exceeds the maximum allowed number for a single record (%d).
scxml - 72 Request failed because the key value (%s) did not match the value (%s) in the instance.
scxml - 73 The following attachments are denied by the Attachment White List: %s.
scxml - 74 NULL
scjs - 0 Script %s line %d: %s %s at char %d
scjs - 1 Failed to initalize JavaScript class '%s'
scjs - 2 Invalid property or field '%s' for JavaScript class '%s'
scjs - 3 Compilation of JavaScript function or expression failed
scjs - 4 Initialization of package '%s' failed.
scjs - 5 No help available for object '%s'
scjs - 6 <no name>
scjs - 7 Invalid file or query '%s'
scjs - 8 Could not find XML element '%s'
scjs - 9 Method '%s' is not defined for file %s
scjs - 10 Unable to open file %s for %s
scjs - 11 Successful compilation of JavaScript function or expression
scjs - 12 Unable to delete file %s
scjs - 13 SCFile name %s is not a Service Manager file.
scjs - 14 Unable to create directory %s
scjs - 15 Errors when executing command line: '%s'
scjs - 16 Unable to compress without expanding more than 1.5x
scjs - 17 Error occurred during uncompressfile
scjs - 49 Cannot store the specified value into an object of type %s
scjs - 50 Bad type for argument #%d of function call '%s'
scjs - 51 Cannot store a string into an object of type %s
scjs - 52 Cannot store a number into an object of type %s
scjs - 53 Cannot store a boolean into an object of type %s
scjs - 54 Not enough arguments
scjs - 55 Bad class for argument #%d ('%s' expected)
scjs - 56 Unable to decode argument #%d
scjs - 57 Cannot store a(n) %s into an object of type %s
scjs - 57 Cannot get binary data for field(%s), because the field type is not Character
scjs - 58 Cannot set binary data to field(%s), because the field type is not Character
scjsdesc - 0 The global java script object
scjsdesc - 1 A datum object
scjsdesc - 2 A file object (alias to the datum object)
scjsdesc - 3 A library of scripts
scjsdesc - 4 The Service Manager system object
scjsdesc - 5 An XML document
scjsdesc - 6 A list of records
scjsdesc - 7 The description of a system's object
scjsdesc - 8 the list of all system objects
scjsdesc - 9 A database query
scjsdesc - 10 A Service Manager object
scjsdesc - 11 A SCFile object
scjsdesc - 12 A SCDatum object
scjsdesc - 100 The list of variables in the system
scjsdesc - 101 The list of files in the system
scjsdesc - 102 The list of formats in the system
scjsdesc - 103 The list of threads in the system
scjsdesc - 104 A system thread
scjsdesc - 105 the list of user / processes in the system
scjsdesc - 106 A user / process of the system
scjsdesc - 107 A database transaction
scjsdesc - 108 A condition tree for a query
scjsdesc - 109 System information
scjsdesc - 110 System functions
scjsdesc - 111 An HTTP header object
scjsdesc - 112 An attachment object
scjsdesc - 113 An scxmlDateTime object
scjsdesc - 114 An Record object
scjsdesc - 115 An InputStream object
scjsdesc - 116 An OutputStream object
scjsdesc - 117 A HttpURLConnection object
scjsdesc - 118 A QueryDatum object
scjsdesc - 119 A MailReceiver object
scjsdesc - 200 the list of variables
scjsdesc - 201 the list of files
scjsdesc - 202 the list of formats in the system
scjsdesc - 203 the list of threads in the system
scjsdesc - 204 the list of users in the system
scjsdesc - 205 the list of formats for this file
scjsdesc - 206 the list of records in this file
scjsdesc - 207 the current user
scjsdesc - 209 the current record in the current context
scjsdesc - 210 the old record in the current context
scjsdesc - 211 system information
scjsdesc - 300 Equality operator
scjsdesc - 301 Likeliness operator
scjsdesc - 302 Non equality operator
scjsdesc - 303 Greater or equal operator
scjsdesc - 304 Greater operator
scjsdesc - 305 Less or equal operator
scjsdesc - 306 Less operator
scjsdesc - 307 Isin operator
scjsdesc - 320 Unspecified error
scjsdesc - 321 Success
scjsdesc - 322 Bad Length
scjsdesc - 323 Bad Serial Number
scjsdesc - 324 Resource Unavailable
scjsdesc - 325 Unable to Terminate
scjsdesc - 326 Resource Not Available
scjsdesc - 327 Resource Expired
scjsdesc - 328 Specified Name Not Found
scjsdesc - 329
scjsdesc - 330 No (more) records found
scjsdesc - 331 No messages
scjsdesc - 332 No query words
scjsdesc - 333 No stop words
scjsdesc - 335 No such word
scjsdesc - 336 Not enough memory
scjsdesc - 337 Already exists
scjsdesc - 338 Shutdown error
scjsdesc - 339 Stop words not found
scjsdesc - 340 Too many documents
scjsdesc - 341 Unable to open file for output
scjsdesc - 342 Waiting for resource
scjsdesc - 343 Word length too long
scjsdesc - 344 Duplicate file system
scjsdesc - 345 Duplicate IPC Key
scjsdesc - 346 IPC Key Not Found
scjsdesc - 347
scjsdesc - 348 Wrong owner
scjsdesc - 349 Not authorized
scjsdesc - 350 Invalid Userid Specified
scjsdesc - 351 Invalid Password Specified
scjsdesc - 352 New Password is Invalid
scjsdesc - 353 Password Expired
scjsdesc - 354 Authority Revoked
scjsdesc - 355 Max Attempts to Login Exceeded
scjsdesc - 356 Max Number of Logins Exceeded
scjsdesc - 357 Invalid terminal for user
scjsdesc - 358 SWH 06/22/2010 */
scjsdesc - 359 Maximum users exceeded
scjsdesc - 360 Named user already logged in
scjsdesc - 361 Not a named user and no floating users available
scjsdesc - 362 User Already Logged In
scjsdesc - 363 Forced synchronization
scjsdesc - 364 IR read count mismatch
scjsdesc - 365 Seek error
scjsdesc - 366 24x7: DBLOG error
scjsdesc - 367 Open error
scjsdesc - 368 Error closing remote file
scjsdesc - 369 Duplicate key
scjsdesc - 370 Null key
scjsdesc - 371 All null keys
scjsdesc - 372 Record modified since last retrieved
scjsdesc - 373 Record deleted since last retrieved
scjsdesc - 374 Trigger Error
scjsdesc - 375 Not supported
scjsdesc - 376 Record no longer qualifies
scjsdesc - 377 Query timed out
scjsdesc - 378 Unable to delete file
scjsdesc - 379 Partially - keyed or non - keyed query
scjsdesc - 380 Error occured in parsing
scjsdesc - 381 Shared memory version mismatch
scjsdesc - 382 Distributed Lock Manager cannot lock item
scjsdesc - 383 Refresh not needed
scjsdesc - 384 Userid expired
scjsdesc - 385 Userid inactive
scjsdesc - 386 SQL conversion skipped for this file
scjsdesc - 387 Query could not be parsed
scjsdesc - 388 file could not be opened
scjsdesc - 389 User is not located in LDAP
scjsdesc - 390 User is not allowed to use ODBC driver
scjsdesc - 391 Invalid SOAPaction / unrecognized application action
scjsdesc - 392 Validation failed
scjsdesc - 393 User is not allowed to use SOAP API
scjsdesc - 400 XML_SCHEMAS_UNKNOWN
scjsdesc - 402 XML_SCHEMAS_TIME
scjsdesc - 403 XML_SCHEMAS_GDAY
scjsdesc - 404 XML_SCHEMAS_GMONTH
scjsdesc - 406 XML_SCHEMAS_GYEAR
scjsdesc - 407 XML_SCHEMAS_DATE
scjsdesc - 409 LESS THAN
scjsdesc - 410 EQUAL
scjsdesc - 411 GREATER THAN
scjsdesc - 412 INDETERMINATE
scjsdesc - 800 SOAP request failed with HTTP status %s
scjsdesc - 801 SOAP request failed - no response message received
scjsdesc - 802 SOAP request failed - SSL configuration - missing cacerts file
scjsdesc - 803 SOAP request failed - unknown exception caught
scjsdesc - 804 SOAP request failed - CONNECT timeout
scjsdesc - 805 SOAP request failed - unable to connect to host - errno %d
scjsdesc - 806 SOAP request failed - SEND timeout
scjsdesc - 807 SOAP request failed - TCP error %d - %s
scjsdesc - 808 SOAP request failed - RECEIVE timeout
scjsdesc - 809 SOAP request failed - TCP receive error %d - %s
scjsdesc - 810 HTTP request failed with HTTP status %s
scjsdesc - 811 HTTP request failed - no response message received
scjsdesc - 812 HTTP request failed - SSL configuration - missing cacerts file
scjsdesc - 813 HTTP request failed - unknown exception caught
scjsdesc - 814 HTTP request failed - connect timeout
scjsdesc - 815 HTTP request failed - unable to connect to host - errno %d
scjsdesc - 816 HTTP request failed - SEND timeout
scjsdesc - 817 HTTP request failed - TCP error %d - %s
scjsdesc - 818 HTTP request failed - RECEIVE timeout
scjsdesc - 819 HTTP request failed - TCP receive error %d - %s
scess - 1 Access denied. Contact your system administrator for the correct self service URL.
scdbg - 1 Dynamic Debugging: Parameter %s ignored, not a valid debug parameter.
scdbg - 2 Dynamic Debugging: Set parameter %s.
scadhoc - 1 ADHOC: Error allocating record list
scadhoc - 2 Invalid list element '%.*s' in SQL list: %.*s
scadhoc - 3 SQL Select statement without SELECT received in adhocOpenCursor(): %.*s
scadhoc - 4 SQL Select statement without FROM clause received in adhocOpenCursor(): %.*s
scadhoc - 5 Invalid file alias \"%.*s\" specified in the FROM clause
scadhoc - 6 File alias \"%.*s\" redefined in the FROM clause
scadhoc - 7 Failed to open file \"%.*s\"
scadhoc - 8 Failed to parse JOIN clause: %.*s
scadhoc - 9 Could not parse JOIN Query, keyword ON missing.
scadhoc - 10 Could not parse JOIN Query, parenthesis around the JOIN condition are required
scadhoc - 11 Could not extract JOIN query, parenthesis around the JOIN condition are required
scadhoc - 12 Could not parse JOIN Query: %s
scadhoc - 13 Failed to allocate %d bytes for the ADHOC INFO files
scadhoc - 14 Invalid field alias \"%.*s\" specified in the SELECT list
scadhoc - 15 Failed to allocate %d bytes for the ADHOC INFO fields
scadhoc - 16 Found file reference: %s without following field reference
scadhoc - 17 Alias not defined in field: %s
scadhoc - 18 Select aggregate field \"%S\" from file \"%S\" is not supported
scadhoc - 19 Failed to find the end of the nested SELECT
scadhoc - 20 Failed to open Subfile for nested SELECT
scadhoc - 21 Found file reference without field name in WHERE clause: %.*s
scadhoc - 22 Failed to parse WHERE clause: %.*s
scadhoc - 23 Failed to validate query, check for more messages
scadhoc - 24 NULL Select statement in adhocOpenCursor(): %S
scadhoc - 25 NO aggregate function specified in the select clause while GROUP BY or HAVING clause is specified
scadhoc - 26 SQL Select statement without FROM clause received in adhocOpenCursor(): %.*s
scadhoc - 27 Failed to allocate %d bytes for the ADHOC INFO structure
scadhoc - 28 Nested SELECT can only return one single column
scadhoc - 29 Odd number of fields were input in array element %d in adhocGenerateSQLQuery()
scadhoc - 30 No valid fields specified in SELECT list in generate.sql.query()
scadhoc - 31 Field alias \"%.*s\" redefined in the SELECT list.
scadhoc - 32 Invalid parameters specified for built - in function tochar(): %s
scadhoc - 33 Syntax error in aggregate function \"%s\"
scadhoc - 34 Syntax error at \"%s\"
scadhoc - 35 Could not handle aggregate field %S in file %S in the select list
scadhoc - 36 Field %S not mapped to the database
scadhoc - 37 Found invalid file alias: '%s', please specify a valid file alias.
scadhoc - 38 Invalid parameters specified for built - in function datediff(hour|day, startDate, endDate): %s