Use > Service Manager Reports introduction

Service Manager Reports introduction

The ITSMA Service Management Reports feature provides reports and dashboards to enable faster analysis and improved time to resolution. Service Management reports organize data into various chart formats, and dashboards display one or more reports. These reports display relationships among categories of data. For example, one report might display the number of incidents per customer. Another report might display the number of incidents by priority. Viewing these reports together as a dashboard enables you to make better business decisions, such as assigning resources to close incidents.

Service Management Reports aims to provide a light-weight reporting feature for active operational data, so the reports are designed to retrieve, represent and visualize at most 100,000 active records out of millions. To define analytic reports against the entire dataset, use third party business intelligence tools.

Reports provide a dynamic view of records, data, and relationships. Dashboards collect similar reports into an overview of data relationships. For example, separate reports can illustrate how many change requests, open incidents, and requests are pending. A dashboard shows you the balance among change requests as well as open incidents, and pending requests. Viewing these reports in a dashboard can help you make decisions about resource allocation and prioritization.

Besides SM Reports, HPE Executive Scorecard provides the unique capability to correlate financial data based on procurements, maintenance, leasing, licenses, labor, and other project-related cost. HPE Crystal Reports provide improved reports and Business objects for the batch scheduling of reports. With the appropriate developer license for Crystal Reports, all report files (*.rpt) can be customized to meet the needs of your business. You can choose different reports according to your requirement.

User roles

Describes SM Reports user roles as implemented by SMA Service Management.

Report Viewer

Report Designer

Report Manager

Report Administrator

Key concepts

Describes the most important things that you need to know about how SM Reports module functions.

My reports

My dashboards

Report schedule and distribution

Report types and settings

Additional resources

Processes and Best Practices Guide

Administrator tasks

Describes the Administrator tasks in SM Reports module.

Configure report settings

Migrate MySM content

Enable Replicated Database

Configure time duration settings