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Navigating the UI

The System Navigator

The System Navigator is a navigational structure to view menus, tables, fields, forms, and other integral components. You can also create new nodes that give you quick access to triggers, links, incidents, and personal favorites. The System Navigator simplifies switching forms, applications, and tools and enables administrators to view forms, files, and links quickly.


Favorites are frequently-visited forms, queries, business services, or links that you want to preserve for quick navigation. If you bookmark a favorite query, that query runs each time that you click that link. You can create, rename, copy, or delete the favorite. If you add a query to your Favorites list, ITSMA Service Management re-runs the query each time that you select it. Service Management supports both public and private Favorites lists.


You can define your own business view of records, incidents, contacts, and so on. By customizing the System Navigator and adding folders for different activities or watch lists, you can easily review all your high priority information.

Note Do not use the browser buttons (such as Refresh, Back, and Forward) on your browser toolbar or their keyboard shortcuts (such as Ctrl+R, Ctrl+Left, and Ctrl+Right) to navigate the Service Management UI in the web client. Instead, use the buttons on the Service Management interface, as described in the "List and detail toolbars" topic.