Use > Service Catalogs > Filter access to catalog items

Filter access to catalog items

  1. Click Service Catalog > Administration > Manage Catalog.
  2. Type the Name of a definition record.
  3. Select the Type of record (category, bundle, or item) from the drop-down list and then click Search.
    The definition record you want to modify opens.
  4. Click on the Access tab.
  5. In the Available to: field, select a capability word from the list to control access to the catalog item.
    A user must have at least one of the capability words in the list in order to select the item from the catalog. If you don't select any capability words, the item is available to all users.
  6. If you want to edit any filter criteria for this Service Catalog entry, click Edit Access Filter and follow the wizard instructions.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Click OK.