Use > Survey > Service Manager Survey > SM Survey administrator tasks > Tailor the SM Survey template

Tailor the SM Survey template

User roles: System Administrator

When you manually send a survey from a record, an SM Survey template is applied to generate the default subject and message body. You can tailor the content in the template or use your own template to replace the default SM Survey template.

To tailor the default SM Survey template, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Notifications > HTML Templates.
  2. Enter Internal Survey Template in the Name field and click Search.
  3. Update the survey template content based on your requirements.
  4. Click Save to save the updated template.

To replace the default SM Survey template, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Notifications > Notifications.
  2. Enter Send Survey in the Name field and click Search.
  3. In the Arguments column corresponding to the HTMLTemplate class, replace the string "Internal Survey Template" in the jscall function with your new template name. You need to make this update in both the Message and the Email/Mail Subject Line tabs.
  4. Click Save to save the updated notification definition.