Develop > Processes and Best Practices > Knowledge Management Details > Knowledge Management Form - Search Knowledgebase (Advanced Search)

Knowledge Management Form - Search Knowledgebase (Advanced Search)

The following figure shows the Search Knowledgebase (Advanced Search) form. This form enables users to search for knowledge documents from these knowledgebases: Knowledge Library, Known Errors, Problems, Incidents, and Interactions. To access this form, navigate to Knowledge Management > Search Knowledgebase, and then click the Advanced... button.

The Search Knowledgebase (Advanced Search) form is illustrated in the following screenshot:

The following table describes the fields on this form.

Contribute Knowledge form field descriptions




This button clears existing search criteria. If you return to the simple search form without clicking this button, existing search criteria will remain.

Search for

The text string to search for.

Query Language

Indicates the dictionary that the Search Engine will use for Natural Language breakdown, thesaurus, and stemming. The default language is English. Normally this should be the language of the text string in the Search for text box.

Note Only languages with the Active for Knowledge Management option enabled in their Language Identification record are available from the Query Language list.

Filter by

Use this section to narrow down your search. Note that all “Filter by” words/phrases are not highlighted in search results.

All of these words: Search for documents that contain every one of these words.

This exact phrase: Search for documents that contain this phrase exactly. These words are not expanded with a thesaurus.

Any of these words: Search for documents that contain any one of these words.

None of these words: Search for documents that do not contain any of these words.

Search in

This section specifies the knowledgebases to search: Knowledge Library, Known Errors, Problems, Incidents, and Interactions.

Knowledge Library

This section contains fields from the Contribute Knowledge form that you can use as a filter when searching for knowledge documents stored in the kmdocument table.


  • Only languages with the Active for Knowledge Management option enabled in their Language Identification record are available from the Locale list. Use the Locale field in combination with the Query Language field. For example, if you want to search for a Japanese document (whose Locale is Japanese) that contains a French word, specify Query Language as French, and Locale as Japanese.
  • Use the Add and Remove buttons to add and remove Categories as needed.
  • Administrators can also use the Micro Focus Service Manager Table Query field in the Knowledge_Library knowledgebase to limit end user’s searches to partial KM documents. Out-of-the-box, the query is: status ~= "draft" and status ~="retired", which means users can only search for KM documents whose status is not Draft or Retired.

Known Errors

This section contains fields from the knownerror table that you can use as a filter when searching for Known Error knowledge records.


This section contains fields from the rootcause table that you can use as a filter when searching for Problem knowledge records.


This section contains fields from the probsummary table that you can use as a filter when searching for Incident knowledge records.


This section contains fields from the incidents table that you can use as a filter when searching for Interaction knowledge records.