JavaScript function: checkVersionString

Validates a version string to ensure it adheres to Configuration Management baseline group version number requirements.


lib.versionControl.checkVersionString( oldVersion, newVersion, maxIncrement );


The following arguments are valid for this function:

Name Data type Required Description
oldVersion String Yes This argument contains the previous version number.
newVersion String Yes This argument contains the new version number.
maxIncrement Array Yes This argument contains an array of numbers representing the decimal value of the maximum number increments possible. For example, if maxIncrement equals [0,1,0] then there are ten possible increments permissible from versions 0.0.1 to 0.1.0.

Return values

An integer value: 0, 1, -1, -2, -3, or -4.

Return value Condition
0 The function returns 0 if any version level value in the newVersion argument exceeds the value in the maxIncrement argument. For example, if oldVersion equals "1.0". and maxIncrement equals "2", then the function returns a value of 0 if newVersion equals "1.3" since going from a value of zero to three exceeds the maxIncrement value of 2.
1 The function returns 1 if it successfully validates the proposed change from the oldVersion to the newVersion.
-1 The function returns -1 if the newVersion argument contains greater than five version levels. For example, the function returns -1 if the newVersion argument equals "" as this is a version with six version levels.
-2 The function returns -2 if a version level value in the newVersion argument contains anything other than the digits 0 to 9. For example the function returns -2 if the newVersion argument equals "gold" or "1.0a" because the version number contains alphabetical characters.
-3 The function returns -3 if the number of version levels in the oldVersion argument do not match the number of version levels in the newVersion argument. For example, the function returns -3 if oldVersion equals "1.1" and newVersion equals "1.1.1" since the oldVersion has two version levels and the newVersion has three.
-4 The function returns -4 if the value of the newVersion argument is less than the value of the oldVersion argument. For example, the function returns -4 if oldVersion equals "1.1" and newVersion equals "1.0" because the newVersion value is prior to the oldVersion value.


This function is part of a system JavaScript and should not be directly modified.

This function validates a new Configuration Management baseline group version string against an old version string to ensure it adheres to version number requirements.


This example attempts to validate any given version number update from three variables.

This example requires the following sample data:

  • A variable storing the old version number
  • A variable storing the desired new version number
  • A variable storing the maximum number of increments allowed
/* Use oldVersion to store the old version number as a string.
*  Use newVersion to store the new version number as a string.
*  Use maxIncrement to store the maximum number of increments as an array. */
var oldVersion;
var newVersion;
var maxIncrement = new Array();

/* Create a function to test the checkVersionString function */
function versionTest( versionOld, versionNew, increment )
 var validate = lib.versionControl.checkVersionString( versionOld, versionNew, increment );
 print( "The checkVersionString return value is " +  validate );
 if ( validate == 1 )
  print( "Success. Updating " + versionOld + " to " + versionNew + " is a valid change.\n");
  return versionNew
 if ( validate == 0 )
  print( "Error. Could not update " + versionOld + " to " + versionNew + "." );
  print( "The new version " + versionNew + " exceeds the maximum version increment value of "
		+ increment + "." );
  return versionOld
 if ( validate == "-1" )
  print( "Error. Could not update " + versionOld + " to " + versionNew + ".");
  print( "The new version " + versionNew + " contains more than five version levels." );
  return versionOld
 if ( validate == "-2" )
  print( "Error. Could not update " + versionOld + " to " + versionNew + ".");
  print( "The new version " + versionNew + " contains characters other than 0 to 9." );
  return versionOld
 if ( validate == "-3" )
  print( "Error. Could not update " + versionOld + " to " + versionNew + ".");
  print( "The new version " + versionNew
		+ " contains a different number of version levels than the old version " + versionOld );
  return versionOld
 if ( validate == "-4" )
  print( "Error. Could not update " + versionOld + " to " + versionNew + ".");
  print( "The new version " + versionNew + " is an earlier version than the old version "
		+ versionOld );
  return versionOld
  return versionOld

/* Test a valid version number update */
print( "Testing checkVersionString...\n" );
oldVersion = "1.0";
newVersion = "1.1";
maxIncrement = [0,2];
versionTest( oldVersion, newVersion, maxIncrement );

/* Test an invalid version number update */
print( "Testing error condition 0...\n" );
oldVersion = "1.0";
newVersion = "1.9";
maxIncrement = [0,2];
versionTest( oldVersion, newVersion, maxIncrement );

/* Test an invalid version number update */
print( "Testing error condition -1...\n" );
oldVersion = "";
newVersion = "";
maxIncrement = [0,0,1,1,2];
versionTest( oldVersion, newVersion, maxIncrement );

/* Test an invalid version number update */
print( "Testing error condition -2...\n" );
oldVersion = "";
newVersion = "1.a.0.0.0";
maxIncrement = [0,0,1,1,2];
versionTest( oldVersion, newVersion, maxIncrement );

/* Test an invalid version number update */
print( "Testing error condition -3...\n" );
oldVersion = "1.0.0";
newVersion = "1.1";
maxIncrement = [0,2,2];
versionTest( oldVersion, newVersion, maxIncrement );

/* Test an invalid version number update */
print( "Testing error condition -4...\n" );
oldVersion = "1.2";
newVersion = "1.1";
maxIncrement = [0,2];
versionTest( oldVersion, newVersion, maxIncrement );