Start the server from the Windows command prompt

Applies to User roles: System Administrator

You must have administrative access to the server operating system to use this procedure.

To start the server from the Windows command prompt:

  1. Open the Windows command prompt.
    Click Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
  2. Change directories to the RUN folder of your Service Manager installation. For example:
    cd C:\Program Files\Micro Focus\Service Manager x.xx\Server\RUN
  3. Type the following command:

    sm -httpPort:13080 -httpsPort:13081

    Tip: You can omit the httpPort and httpsPort parameters if you provide them in the Service Manager initialization file (sm.ini).

  4. Press Enter.

    Caution: You must leave the command prompt window open while the Service Manager server runs. Closing the command prompt window stops Service Manager immediately without cleaning up any processes or releasing any record locks.

Related topics

Start the server from Windows services
Stop the server from the Windows command prompt
Stop the server from Windows services