Installation requirements

The following requirements apply for all supported versions of Service Manager / ServiceCenter, QC / ALM, and QCS / ALM Synchronizer:

  • The QC/ALM client is installed when you are logging into QC/ALM. The correct QC/ALM client should be installed on the QC/ALM Synchronizer server.
  • The QC/ALM Synchronizer machine should have the same time zone with the QC/ALM machine. For more information, see the integration solution release notes.

    For installation instructions, see the QC/ALM Synchronizer user guide. You can get the user guide from the installation package or from

  • Make sure that the time difference in UTC between SM and QC/ALM Synchronizer is within 5 minutes, otherwise the data might be lost during synchronization. For example, the SM server time is 2008-1-1 21:00:00 in UTC, then the QCS server time must be between 2008-1-1 20:55:00 and 2008-1-1 21:05:00.