Configuring the PPM Server

Note Be sure to complete the following preliminary tasks before configuring the PPM server:

  1. Install AXIS2 (axis2-1.7.4) and ANT (apache-ant-1.9.7).
  2. Configure AXIS2_HOME, ANT_HOME, and add $AXIS2_HOME/bin, $ANT_HOME/bin to PATH.
  3. Install JDK and set JAVA_HOME to the location where the JDK is installed.
  4. Make sure both the SM-PPM adapter and the PPM server use the same JAVA_HOME. Otherwise, the status synchronization from PPM to SM will fail with the following error message:

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/hp/smppm/ws/CloseSMInteraction : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

Perform the following steps to configure the PPM server:

  1. Create a folder smcatalog under <PPM_HOME>\integration. For example, C:\ITG\integration\smcatalog.

  2. Navigate to the <Release_Package>\SMPPM\PPM_configuration directory, and then copy the stub folder,, build.xml,, and properties.conf to the smcatalog folder.
  3. Configure SM Web service URL and PPM Server in the properties.conf file.

    • Configure SM Web service URL: Update this value to http://<SM Server Address>:<port>/sc62server/PWS/ServiceDeskForPPM.wsdl. For example, http://smserver01:13080/sc62server/PWS/ServiceDeskForPPM.wsdl.
    • Enter PPM Server Name: Enter the PPM Server name.

      Note The PPM Server name can be found under <PPM_HOME>\server\. If the PPM server name can not be recognized, run the following command line before this step:

      dos2unix -o *.sh

  4. Run the dos2unix properties.conf command.

  5. Run the dos2unix command.
  6. Run the dos2unix command.
  7. Run the sh command to generate SM WSDL stub.
  8. Open the server.conf file in the PPM Center installation root path (for example, c:\ITG\server.conf).
    1. Set the com.kintana.core.server.ENABLE_WEB_SERVICES to true to support the Web Service function in PPM Center.
    2. Add the following to the end of the server.conf file:
      com.kintana.core.server.SM_URL=http://<SM server address>:<port>
      com.kintana.core.server.SM_USERNAME=<SM user account>
      com.kintana.core.server.SM_PASSWORD=<SM user account password>

      Replace the italic content in angle brackets with the actual values of the Service Manager server and user account information which will be integrated with PPM Center.



      Note Unexpected errors may occur if the SM user account password is blank.

  9. Run the ./ -now -user <ppm_account> command, and then provide <ppm_password> as prompted. For example: ./ -now -user admin.

    You can run the ./ command to check the status of stop process.

  10. Run the ./ command, and then run the ./ script to restart the PPM server for the configuration to take effect.