Identify misconfigured reference fields

Applies to User roles: System Administrator

A reference field retrieves data from another table instead of the table to which it belongs. An example reference field is the affected.item field in the probsummary table, which retrieves data from the device table. A reference field must have the correct referenced table configured in the datadict record. The Entity Relationship Diagram utility can help you identify reference fields whose referenced table is not configured correctly.

To identify misconfigured reference fields, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tailoring > SQL Utities > Entity Relationship Diagram.
  2. In the Table Name box, enter the name of a referenced table. For example, enter device.
  3. Click Search.

    Service Manager generates an ERD for the specified table.

  4. Select the Logical view.

  5. Select Link and then As Target as the filter.
  6. Select the key of the referenced table. For example, select the field of the device table.
  7. Check for red connector lines between the referenced table and other tables. If a red line connects the referenced table and another one, check that table for fields that are enclosed in a red box. Such fields are misconfigured reference fields.

    The following figure shows an example, which indicates the affected.item field in the probsummary table does not have a referenced table configured.

  8. Related concepts

    Entity Relationship Diagram utility
    Specify a referenced table for a field

    Related tasks

    Interact with an entity relationship diagram