BDNA Normalize Integration

BDNA Normalize is a software product that is capable of normalizing raw inventory data against the normalized catalog called BDNA Technopedia. Universal Discovery can integrate with BDNA Normalize, so that the normalized installed software produced by the scanner-based inventory discovery is normalized using the BDNA Technopedia data instead of Universal Discovery SAI.

Note As the BDNA Normalize integration enables the normalization of raw inventory data but does not actually perform data collection, no MDR integration license is required for the use of this capability.

When BDNA integration is enabled, the following changes occur during the BDNA installation and configuration:

  • Folders are created in <DataFlowProbeInstallDir>\runtime\xmlenricher\Scans as follows:

    • ProcessedNew. BDNA Normalize monitors this folder for scan files.
    • OriginalCore. Contains the scan files enriched by BDNA Normalize.

    Note These folders are created when the configurations are performed on the Data Flow Probe and not when BDNA Normalize is installed. However, OriginalCore folder is created only when you enable the Debug mode. For more information on enabling the Debug mode, see Debug Mode.

  • The scan file workflow is changed as follows:

  • The following attributes were added to the Installed Software CI type in the Universal Discovery class model to hold BDNA Normalize specific data:

    Attribute Name Display Name Description
    component Component Contains the name of the installed software component as described in the BDNA Technopedia catalog. (e.g: Client, Server, Agent,...)
    service_pack Service Pack Contains the name of the service pack of the installed software product as described in the BDNA Technopedia catalog.
    edition Edition Contains the edition of the installed software product as described in the BDNA Technopedia catalog.
    recognized_by RecognizedBy Indicates the source of the normalized installed software data. When the value is "SAI", the installed software is normalized using Universal Discovery SAI. When the value is "BDNA", the installed software is normalized using BDNA Normalize.

Debug Mode

The Debug mode preserves the scan files enriched by BDNA Normalize in the <DataFlowProbeInstallDir>\runtime\xmlenricher\Scans\OriginalCore directory, so that troubleshooting of the BDNA Normalize operation can be done. When the debug mode is disabled, a copy of the BDNA Normalize enriched scan file is not kept and once it is processed, it is deleted by the inventory discovery jobs.

Software Utilization

The Software Utilization Data collected by Universal Discovery for applications recognized via its SAI library is available and is normalized to the BDNA Technopedia format. The Software Utilization Data is not available for applications that are not recognized by Universal Discovery (via SAI), but can be recognized by BDNA Normalize.

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