Develop > Processes and Best Practices Guide > Request Fulfillment Workflows > Request Authorization (process SO 3.3)

Request Authorization (process SO 3.3)

No work should take place to fulfill a request until it has been properly authorized. Simple requests can be pre-authorized, while a more rigorous authorization may be needed for other requests before any work can proceed.

A Service Request that cannot be properly authorized should be returned to the Request Logging phase.

The following user roles can perform Request Authorization:

  • Request Approver

Details for this process can be seen in the following figure and table.

The Request Authorization workflow is illustrated in the following figure:

Request Authorization process

Process ID

Procedure or Decision



SO 3.3.1

Simple request that is pre-authorized?

If it is a simple request that does not require a dedicated authorization, go to SO 3.4.1 to execute the request model. If a more rigorous authorization is required, go to SO 3.3.2 for request authorization.

Request Approver

SO 3.3.2

Authorize request?

Request Approver reviews the Service Request details and decide to approve or deny the request. If request is approved, go to SO 3.4.1 to execute the request model. If request is denied, go to SO 3.3.3.

Request Approver