
Objects are a base set of definitions that determine behavior of records and set the definitions and governing rules. Objects correspond one-to-one with database dictionary (dbdict) records in ITSMA Service Management. If a table does not have a dedicated Object record, the Document Engine applies the settings in the DEFAULT Object. All Objects should have list and default States defined. If not otherwise supplied, the default States are db.browse, db.list, db.search, and db.view.

Note Do not modify or delete the DEFAULT Object Record as doing so will cause unpredictable results.

The Object record sets up the definitions and governing rules for the behavior of the table within the Document Engine. For example these may include:

  • The application used to create the users profile within this Object that determines what actions this user may take against any record of the table.
  • The State records used in specific circumstances (see States for more details).
  • The category, phase, and paging file names for the Object.
  • The name of the number record to be used for this Object.
  • How locking is to be used by this Object.
  • Setup of revisions for records in the table.
  • Which variables should be available to processes that run against this Object.
  • Which global lists should always be available when using this Object.
  • Use of activity records.
  • How alerts are processed against this Object.
  • How approvals are processed for this Object.
  • Settings for the work queues.
  • Ability to set up personal or global views and default templates.
  • Notifications on add / update / delete of a record in this Object.
  • Ability to configure additional search choices against this Object.

To view a list of the out-of-box Objects, click Search from the Object Definition form.

To view a list of the fields and field descriptions for the Object definitions see Object Definition form and fields.