
ITSMA Service Management accessibility in this software release has the following limitations.

General accessibility limitations

Service Management has the following general accessibility limitation:

  • Background images introduced as of the Service Manager 9.40 release do not support the Windows high contrast mode.

Table accessibility limitations

Service Management table accessibility has the following limitations:

  • Table accessibility support is not implemented for the following modules: Process Designer, and Calendar.
  • In To-Do queue, if the focus is outside the record list, you cannot move the focus to the record list by using JAWS 15 keystroke T, or Insert+Ctrl+T. You can move the focus to the record list first by using the Tab key, and then navigate through the record list by using JAWS table keystrokes.

Calendar accessibility limitations

Service Management calendar accessibility has the following limitations:

  • If JAWS reads "out of table xxx" when you navigate between different panels, turn off Virtual Cursor Mode by pressing Insert+Z.
  • If JAWS reads lots of irrelevant information before reading the button's name when you move the focus to a button, turn on Virtual Cursor Mode.
  • You can navigate the items in a tree panel, selection box, or entry panel by pressing the arrow keys only. You may need to press the Tab key when navigating to these areas for the first time.
  • If you cannot move the focus and JAWS keeps reading the same information, or if the focus moves out-of-order, turn off Virtual Cursor Mode.
  • In Internet Explorer 11, JAWS reads conflict messages only when Virtual Cursor Mode is on. If Virtual Cursor Mode is off, JAWS cannot read conflict messages in Internet Explorer 11.

To-Do alerts accessibility limitations

Service Management To-Do alerts accessibility has the following limitations:

  • The To-Do alerts supports keyboard navigation in Power User view ( only.
  • The To-Do alerts does not support Accessible view ( and Self-Service Accessible view (

Reports accessibility limitations

Service Management Reports accessibility has the following limitations:

  • You cannot move the focus to the Area chart, Bar chart, Line chart, and Pie chart by using keyboard navigation.
  • JAWS cannot read the Area chart, Bar chart, Line chart, and Pie chart meaningfully.
  • JAWS cannot read the Pivot table meaningfully.

Smart Analytics accessibility limitations

Service Management Smart Analytics accessibility has the following limitations:

  • You cannot move the focus to the Hot Topic Analytics chart by using keyboard navigation.
  • JAWS cannot read the content of the Hot Topic Analytics chart.

Service Manager Collaboration accessibility limitations

Service Management Collaboration accessibility has the following limitations:

  • Even if a user has changed the photo, the User Information on the top-right corner of the Service Manager UI always displays the default image in Windows high contrast mode.