Change fields in a view

Applies to User roles:

System Administrator

You can add, delete, or change the order of fields in a system view. This topic assumes that you are familiar with ITSMA Service Management table and field names.

Note You can only change fields for views with a Table view type.

To change fields in a system view, follow these steps:

  1. Click System Administration > Base System Configuration > Miscellaneous > Views/Favorites.
  2. Click Search to find the view you want to change.
  3. Select the view from the records list.
  4. On the View definitions tab, click View Fields.
  5. To add fields, select items from the table menu and click Add to List.

    Note If you select a field that has a link to another table, select from the secondary menu to add fields you want in the view.

  6. To delete fields, highlight the field you want to delete in the Destination Fields window and click Remove Field.
  7. To move a field location up, highlight the field you want to move in the Destination Fields window and click Move Field Up.
  8. To move a field location down, highlight the field you wan tot move in the Destination Fields window and click Move Field Down.
  9. Click Next.
  10. Click Save.

    Service Management updates the View record.

  11. Click OK.