Service Manager out-of-box predicates

ITSMA Service Management provides the following out-of-box predicates that can be used directly in AIML templates.

Predicate Description
problemDesc Problem description.
smLoginUser End User's ID for Service Management login.
smLoginUserFullName End User's full name for Service Management login.
smBotId Virtual agent ID.
smSdChatId Service Desk chat request record ID.

In AIML standard, a user input sentence is split to multiple sub-sentences if the sentence includes periods (.), question marks (?), or exclamation marks (!). The system performs a match for each sub-sentence and combines all the matched responses together as the final output to the end user during the conversation. However, this is not expected when a Service Management virtual agent is solving an end user's issue. You can use the MULTIPLE_SENTENCES_INPUT predicate to keep the integrity of an end user's issue description and perform an IDOL search for the complete sentence.

ATE_MULTIPLE_SENTENCES_INPUT ATE_MULTIPLE_SENTENCES_INPUT is a chat predicate key to set a flag and indicate whether a virtual agent needs to continue handling the subsequent sentences or not. When you set this predicate to true, a virtual agent regards the current template as the final output to the end user. All previously matched responses are abandoned and all subsequent sentences in the same request are ignored.

In addition, you need to define and assign values to the following predicates in either a JavaScript or in an AIML template.

Locations Predicate Description
Solutions from IDOL search.
Define in AIML template smChatClosureCode Closure codes when a virtual agent closes a Service Desk chat request ticket.