Set up End User Chat automation

End User Chat automation enables ITSMA Service Management system administrators and Knowledge Management (KM) users to link HPE Operations Orchestration (OO) flows to a KM document. Consequently, when a Service Desk agent or a virtual agent shares this KM document to an end user, the user can run the linked OO flow and get the returned result in the End User Chat window. The Service Desk agent is also able to check the OO flow execution result from the Activity tab of the related chat request record.

Follow these steps to set up End User Chat automation:

  1. Log on to Service Management as a system administrator.
  2. Set up SM-OO integration and enable the SM-OO integration instance by following the instructions as described in Operations Orchestration integration setup.
  3. Click Knowledge Management > Configuration > Operations Orchestration Flows, and then click Search. Service Management displays a list of OO flows that were retrieved from the integrated OO end point.
  4. Search for an existent KM article, or click Knowledge Management > Contribute Knowledge to contribute a particular type of knowledge. For example, Error Message/Cause.

  5. Click the OO Flow Links tab on your contributed knowledge form, and then select an OO flow to be displayed in End User Chat in the Select Path drop-down list.
  6. Click Add Link to open the OO Flow Link Detail form, and then verify the details. The General Parameters section may consist of some parameters that are used to collect the end user’s input according to this configuration.

    Tip If you set the Required? field of a parameter to true, the system displays this parameter as a mandatory field in the End User Chat window.

  7. Click Add, and then click Save and OK to return to the contributed knowledge form.
  8. Click Submit to submit this KM article. The system activates the Show/hide in chat button.
  9. Select the OO flow to be displayed in End User Chat, and then click Show/hide in chat to open the End User Chat HPE OO Flow Run Configuration form.

  10. Update the fields as necessary. See the following table for details.

    Label Description
    Number The system-generated unique ID for this KM article. This field is read-only.
    HPE OO Flow ID The system-generated unique ID for this OO flow. This field is read-only.
    HPE OO Run Mode

    Select a run mode for the OO flow:

    • Select Sync, Service Management invokes OO central to run this workflow with user input parameters.

      When the OO flow is completed, the system returns a success or failure message to the end user as customized in the Message Success field and the Message Failure field, respectively.

    • Select Async, Service Management generates a run schedule record to perform this task later, and then makes the following behaviors:

      1. Returns a success message to the end user as customized in the Message Success field. This indicates that the user's request to launch an OO flow has been accepted.
      2. When the OO flow is completed successfully, sends the end user an email notification which embeds the message as customized in the Email notification message template field.
      3. When the OO flow failed, sends the end user an email notification which embeds the message as customized in the Message Failure field.
    Message Success

    In Sync mode:

    Both messages reflect the actual OO flow completion status. Edit the OO flow completion status messages in the Message Success field and the Message Failure field, respectively.

    In Async mode:

    The message in the Message Success field indicates that the user's request to launch an OO flow has been accepted, whereas the message in the Message Failure field reflect the actual failed status upon an OO flow completion.

    For each language available, you can localize the message texts by clicking Edit localized message. After you localize the text, click Save and then OK to return to the End User Chat HPE OO Flow Run Configuration form.

    Message Failure
    Email notification message template

    Edit the email notification message when an OO flow is successfully completed in the Async mode.

    For each language available, you can localize the message texts by clicking Edit localized message. After you localize the text, click Save and then OK to return to the End User Chat HPE OO Flow Run Configuration form.

  11. Click Add.
  12. The Run Parameters section displays the input parameters of this OO flow. When an end user opens this KM document in the End User Chat window, the system generates a small form, prompts this user to fill in these parameters, and then passes the parameters to the OO flow. You can edit the imported OO flow parameters by performing the following tasks:

    • To add an OO flow parameter, click Add Parameter and then provide inputs on the Service Desk Automation Parameter Configuration form.

      1. Type an ID for the OO parameter, and then provide a label.
      2. Select the Secure check box so that an end user's input for this parameter becomes confidential in the End User Chat window.
      3. Select the Required check box so that an end user must provide input for this parameter in the End User Chat window.
      4. Click Finish.

      Note After you added a new OO flow parameter, the system displays the following message:

      Invoke parameters in OO Flow links is different with parameters in Chat OO run configuration. Please synchronize it manually.

      In this case, click the OO flow link on the OO Flow Links tab and then add the new OO flow parameter to the General Parameters section accordingly.

    • To remove an OO flow parameter, select this parameter and then click Remove Parameter.
    • To edit an OO flow parameter, click this parameter and then update the Service Desk Automation Parameter Configuration form.

    • Click Move Field Up and Move Field Down to adjust the sequence of the parameters.
  13. Click Save and Back to return to the contributed knowledge form. Verify that the value in the chat run active? column of the selected OO flow is true. That is, the current OO flow is the default configuration for this KM document in End User Chat.
  14. (Optional) Continue to follow step 5 to step 8 and add more OO flow links to this KM document.


    • Every KM document can have only one active OO flow configuration in End User Chat.
    • If a KM document links to multiple OO flows, to activate another OO flow as the default configuration, select that flow and then click Show/hide in chat. The previously active OO flow is automatically disabled with its chat run active? column shows false.

  15. (Optional) To remove a linked OO flow from a KM document, select this flow and then click the Remove Link button. The corresponding chat OO flow run configuration data is removed as well.

  16. Click Save to save your changes.