Database dictionary records

Database dictionary records define how RDBMS tables and columns map to logical entities in ITSMA Service Management. RDBMS tables map to database dictionaries. RDBMS columns map to fields. Database dictionary records also contain information about RDBMS indexes. You must create a database dictionary record for each table and column you add to Service Management.

IMPORTANT: HPE recommends that you refrain from using the following table mapping options for the disposition of arrays:
--*Field in Alias Table
--*BLOB in Alias Table
Using these mapping options can result in potential performance-related issues and unexpected product behavior.

Database dictionary records contain the following information.

Database dictionary object Brief description Contents of object Example database dictionary entry Example RDBMS equivalent or mapping
Database dictionary name A logical name for one or more related RDBMS tables A list of the main and alias tables in the RDBMS that make up the logical table probsummary – logical table containing incident records In Microsoft SQL Server, the probsummary database dictionary maps to the following RDBMS tables.
  • PROBSUMMARYA1 – alias table 1
  • PROBSUMMARYM1 – main table 1
  • PROBSUMMARYM2 – main table 2
Field name A logical name for an RDBMS column A value that Service Management uses to identify a field. Field names can only contain alphanumeric characters and periods. category – logical column containing the type of interaction In Microsoft SQL Server, the category field maps to the SQL name CATEGORY
Field type An abstract data type describing the information in the RDBMS column A value that defines the Service Management data type. Service Management uses the abstract data type to generate queries, perform calculations, and create SQL mappings. The field category has the Service Management data type character In Microsoft SQL Server, the category field maps to the VARCHAR(50) SQL data type
Field level A logical data type describing whether a given field is part of a structure or an array of structure A numerical value that Service Management uses to determine what level in the logical tree a given field occupies The field category has the field level of 1 There is no RDBMS equivalent for field level
Field index A parameter that describes what order a field occupies in the database dictionary record A numerical value that Service Management uses to determine the order of a field in the database dictionary record. Service Management lists fields in the order they are added to the database dictionary. Fields that list the same index number are aliases. The field category has the field index of 2 and is therefore the second field in the database dictionary record In Microsoft SQL Server, the CATEGORY column is the second column in the PROBSUMMARYM1 table
Key type A logical key type describing an RDBMS index A data type value that Service Management uses to determine what SQL index type to use when mapping RDBMS index data The probsummary database dictionary uses the unique key number In Microsoft SQL Server, the unique key number maps to the unique index NUMBER on the RDBMS column
Key fields A list of fields that identify the logical key A list of the fields that make up the key definition The probsummary database dictionary has a unique key consisting of the number field In Microsoft SQL Server, the unique index consists of the NUMBER column
SQL table alias A logical name for a SQL main or alias table An alphanumeric value that Service Management uses to identify an RDBMS table The probsummary database dictionary has three SQL table aliases a1, m1, and m2 In Microsoft SQL Server, the SQL table aliases map to the SQL tables PROBSUMMARYA1, PROBSUMMARYM1, and PROBSUMMARYM2
SQL table name A listing of the actual RDBMS table names that map to the database dictionary A RDBMS table name When mapped to a Microsoft SQL Server, the probsummary database dictionary record lists the SQL table names PROBSUMMARYA1, PROBSUMMARYM1, and PROBSUMMARYM2 In Microsoft SQL Server, the SQL table aliases map to the SQL tables PROBSUMMARYA1, PROBSUMMARYM1, and PROBSUMMARYM2
SQL table type A description of the RDBMS vendor A code that identifies the RDBMS vendor If you are mapped to a Microsoft SQL Server, the SQL type is sqlserver There is no RDBMS equivalent for SQL type