Administer > Application setup > Adding users > Operator records

Operator records

Each ITSMA Service Management user must have an operator record to log on and use Service Management applications. The operator record defines the access rights and security settings that a user has. The following fields are required for an operator record:

  • Login Name
  • Resource Type

You can also define the following optional information in an operator record:

Operator tab Fields and sections Purpose
  • Login Name — Required field Full Name
  • Default Company
  • Contact ID
  • Application Profile
  • User Role
  • Application profiles
  • Security Roles
Use this tab to add identifying information and application profiles to an operator record. These application profiles determine which features and views the operator can access in Service Management applications.
  • Password Information
  • User Session Information
  • Login Information
  • User Lockout Information
  • LDAP Information
  • Template Information
  • Password History
Use this tab to manage how an operator accesses Service Management. These settings determine whether an operator can log on to Service Management.
Login Profiles

Login Profile — This section contains:

  • The operators login profile
  • Licensing Information

The login profile includes:

  • Language: Specifies the login language for the operator.
  • Time Zone: Specifies the time zone for the operator.
  • Date Format: Specifies the preferred format for the date, such as mm/dd/yy or dd/mm/yy.
  • First Day of Week: Specifies the first day of the week in the calendar and date picker for the operator.
  • Display Currency: Specifies what currency displays for catalog items when the operator orders from the Service Catalog or approves catalog requests. Defaults to the basis currency in the System Information Definition record for the company when left blank.
  • Message Level: Specifies the level of messages to store in the message queue for this operator.
  • Max Attachment Size: Specifies the maximum size of a file that the operator can insert into an attachment object.
  • Total Attachment Size: Specifies the maximum size of all the attachment files that the operator can insert into an attachment object.
  • Knowledge Groups to which the operator belongs
  • Assignment Groups to which the operator belongs
Use this tab to determine which groups to which the operator belong. Assignment groups are used for both work assignment and approval.
  • Initial Application
  • Home Page
  • Queue
  • Dashboard
  • Execute Capabilities
  • Query Groups
  • Months
Use this tab to determine which forms the operator sees at startup and also to customize the capability words the operator has in addition to those granted by a user role.
  • Standard Notifications
  • Client Printing
Use this tab to record contact information about the operator.
  • Hourly Rate
  • Rate Currency


Use this tab to determine the operator's labor cost rate.
Self Service
  • Self Service Access Only
  • Self Service Menu
  • Self Service Starting Page
Use this tab to authorize self service access to an operator. This gives the user access to the self service Web client.