Copy a database dictionary only

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

You can copy a database dictionary by using System Definition or by using the Database Dictionary utility. Choose one of the following methods to copy a database dictionary.

Copy a database dictionary only, by using System Definition

To copy a database dictionary only, by using System Definition:

  1. From the System Navigator, click System Definition.
  2. Double-click a table.

    An overview of the table opens.

  3. In the Table management section of the overview, click Copy the definition.

    A confirmation box opens.

  4. In the New table name field, type the name of the table, and then click OK.

    A message displays, stating that the table definition was copied to new name.

  5. Click OK.

Copy a database dictionary only, by using the Database Dictionary utility

Example: Make a copy of the database dictionary in the assignment file. In this example, we will copy only the database dictionary, not the data records.

To copy a database dictionary only, by using the Database Dictionary utility:

  1. Open the assignment file using database dictionary.
  2. Open the More Actions menu and click Copy/Rename.
  3. In the New Name field of the rename screen, type assignment2.

    Note: File names must be one word; no blanks and no special delimiters are allowed.

  4. Select the Copy dbdict only radio button.
  5. Click OK to begin file copy. The copied dbdict opens. ITSMA Service Management displays this message: Dbdict successfully copied.