Load an unload file

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

Tip If your application version is 9.30 ap3, 9.31 or later, you are recommended to use Unload Manager to load an unload file, because Unload Manager can help you create a backup of your old data and reconcile conflicts during the installation of the unload; if your application version is other than any of these, Unload Manager is not available and you can use Database Manager instead.

To load an unload file using Unload Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Go to System Administration > Ongoing Maintenance > Unload Manager.

  2. Double-click Apply Unload. A wizard opens.

  3. Select the unload file you want to apply, also specify a backup file, and then click Next. Details of the unload file appear.

  4. Double-click a conflicting object in the table to open the merge tool:

    1. Merge the object, and then select the Reconciled check box.

    2. Click Save to go back to the wizard.

  5. Click Next after all the conflicting objects are reconciled.

  6. Click Yes on the confirmation window to apply the unload.

  7. Click Finish.

    Now, the unload has been applied and at the same time your old data backed up.

To load an unload file using Database Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Click Tailoring > Database Manager.
  2. Click More or the More Actions menu, and select Import/Load.
  3. Fill in the following fields.

    Field Description
    File Name Type the name and path of the file to load.
    Import Descriptor Type the name of the optional Import Descriptor record used to import records. Since unloads files do not require an Import Descriptor record, leave this field blank.
    File Type Select the source operating system of the unload file.
    Messages Option — All Messages Select this option to see all messages that ITSMA Service Management generates loading the file.
    Messages Option — Totals Only Select this option to see only the total number of files Service Management loads.
    Messages Option — None Select this option to hide all messages that Service Management generates loading the file.

    Note: You can view the contents of an unload file before importing it by clicking List Contents.

  4. Click Load FG.