
A GUI screen layout used to access, add, change, and view records in a specific Service Management table, or used as part of the user interaction in a Service Management application.

A form is the data entry mask Service Management uses to display data. It serves as the interface between the user and the table. A form can be associated with only one Service Management table; however, a table may have many associated forms.

Not all forms refer to specific tables. For example, the login screen is displayed using a form that does not refer to any table and is only used for authentication.

Typically, the primary form associated with a table carries the same name as the table. For example, if you use Database Manager to open the location file while running a GUI client, you access the location table using the form location.g. Service Management automatically determines that you are running a GUI client and provides the .g version of the location form, if one is available. However, if you search for forms named location, Service Management presents a list of several associated forms for your further selection. All these forms work with the location table, but only one is named location.

You can create and modify forms with the Service Management Forms Designer (FD) utility, and add or edit rules for processing data automatically with the Service Management Format Control (FC) utility.

Service Management stores form records in the format table.