Alerts and escalation

Incident Management can escalate an Incident record automatically when no one updates the record within a specified time. An alert process triggers the escalation and sends a message that an Incident record is not resolved. Escalation is the process of advancing through the alert stages. ITSMA Service Management has the following alert stages:

  • Alert Stage 1
  • Alert Stage 2
  • Alert Stage 3

Each category record specifies a time interval for each alert stage. An unresolved Incident record reaches the next alert stage if no one updates the record after the specified time. When someone updates an Incident record that is in Alert Stage 1, 2, or 3, the alert status resets and the next stage becomes Alert Stage 1. The DEADLINE ALERT stage is always scheduled for a fixed interval after the opening of the Incident record. When an Incident record reaches the DEADLINE ALERT stage, it remains at this stage and the update to the record cannot reset the alert stage until the Incident record is resolved.

The following list describes different users who might be notified when an Incident record escalates:

  • All contacts in the current contact list for the Assignment Group (except the manager)
  • The user who opened the Incident record
  • The current primary contact in the owner group
  • The current manager of the Assignment Group
  • The current manager of the owner group
  • The service level manager and client manager of the company and department specified in the Incident record