Integration Instance Parameters – Inbound

The following tables explain the fields under the Inbound tab in the Integration Instance Parameters page.

Fields Value Description
External Id Field


The relative path of the ID field in inbound JSON. This path is relative to the List path.

The field name you entered must be a valid reference in the external system.

For example, properties.Id.

External Status Field


The relative path of the Status field in inbound JSON. This path is relative to the List path.

The field name you entered must be a valid reference in the external system.

For example, properties.Status.

Internal Id Field


The name of the unique field of the Service Manager object. For example, enter “number” for the “probsummary” table.

The field name you entered must be a valid dbdict field name in the selected Service Management object.

If you select the Activate Data Pulling option, Service Management pulls the data of the inbound tasks from the endpoint system. The following fields appears when you select this option.

Fields Value Description
Pulling From User-defined. The integration instance pulls all the records that are updated later than the time specified in this field from the end point. If you do not specify a time, system uses the current time.
Time difference (s)


Default: 0.

The time difference (in seconds) between Service Management and the endpoint system.
Relative URL User-defined.

The relative URL that specifies the resource to be exchanged in the endpoint system.

The string in this field is directly appended after the string you configured in the Base URL field under the General tab.



The additional query parameters.

The string in this field is directly appended after the Relative URL that is configured in the previous field.

For more information on how to edit the Query strings, see Edit the query and pagination query strings

List path


The root path of the list result in the JSON response from the endpoint for a pulling request.

For example, the list path is entities in the following JSON response:

    "entities": [
     "entity_type": "Incident",
           "properties": {
                "Id": "***",
Pagination Selected/not selected. When you select this option, the result list from the endpoint is transferred in pages.
Page Size


Specify the maximum number of records in a page.
First Record Offset


This value defines the index of the first record in each page. Usually the value is 0 or 1.
Pagination Query


Pagination parameters.

The string in this field is directly appended after the query parameters that are configured under the Inbound tab.

For more information on how to edit the Pagination Query strings, see Edit the query and pagination query strings

If you select the Activate Data Pushing option, the endpoint Service Management system pushes the data of the inbound task to the native Service Management system. This option only works for the integration between two Service Management systems. The following fields appears when you select this option.

Fields Value Description
Incoming WebService Action


For example, Create or Update.

The action name in the RESTful API of the endpoint Service Management system.

In an out-of-box Service Management system, the action names are Create and Update.

SM Action to execute


For example, add or save.

The action to be executed in the native Service Management system for the corresponding incoming action.

Possible values for this field are add and save.

Note By default, the integration template uses the Web Service: CaseExchange. To view this Web Service, go to the following location in Service Management and search for "CaseExchange":

Tailoring > Web Service > Web Service Configuration

Case Exchange only supports the Web Service inbound push call that Action Type is Application Pass Through and Customer Action to Perform is CaseExchange.Pushing. Any other type of inbound push features for Case Exchange via SMIS are not supported.