Input event processing

An external application inserts all records in the eventin table and external programs manipulate the eventin records. For example, SCAutomate supports an event named email. External sources can send electronic mail and pass it to ITSMA Service Management mail. The sources for electronic mail can be external e-mail systems, alert monitors, or other programs that can send messages. The external SCAutomate application packages the data in a standard format and stores it in the eventin file. Eventmap records specify the format of the data.

Processed records in the eventin table do not contain a First Expiration value. Normally, Event Services deletes event records after they are processed unless they are filtered or an exception occurs during processing. There is a condition set in the eventregister table that controls the delete flag.

If an error occurs due to Format Control processing, event processing terminates for that event and Event Services writes the specific error message to the eventin Messages log and to the ITSMA Service Management msglog file.

After you install and test SCAutomate, do one of the following:

  • Set all delete flags in the eventregister records to true.
  • Use the ITSMA Service Management purge/archive routines to schedule cleaning up the eventin table on a regular basis.