Integrate > HPE Release Control (RC) > Multi-tenant (multi-company) support > Enable multitenancy for Service Manager and UCMDB

Enable multitenancy for Service Manager and UCMDB

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

Note To support multitenancy, both ITSMA Service Management and RC must integrate with UCMDB. If you have deployed your RC integration without UCMDB, the multitenancy feature is not available.

To enable multitenancy for Service Manager and UCMDB, follow these steps:

  1. Log on to Service Manager as a System Administrator.
  2. Go to System Administration > Base System Configuration > Miscellaneous > System Information Record.
  3. Select the Run in Multi-Company Mode check box under the General tab.
  4. Select the HPE Universal CMDB check box on the Active Integrations tab.
  5. Provide values for the following fields:

    Field Description
    UCMDB webservice URL

    Type the URL to the UCMDB Web Service API. The URL has the following format:

    <UCMDB server name>:<port>/axis2/services/ucmdbSMService

    Replace <UCMDB server name> with the host name of your UCMDB server, and replace <port> with the communications port your UCMDB server uses.



    UserId The user ID of the user account that has permission to access the UCMDB Web Service API.
    Password The password of the user account that has permission to access the UCMDB Web Service API.
    Multi-tenant UCMDB webservice URL

    Type the URL to the UCMDB Web Service API. The URL has the following format:

    <UCMDB server name>:<port>/axis2/services/UcmdbManagementService

    Replace <UCMDB server name> with the host name of your UCMDB server, and replace <port> with the communications port your UCMDB server uses.




    The user ID of the user account that has permission to access the multitenant UCMDB Web Service API.

    Example: sysadmin


    The password of the user account that has permission the access the multitenant UCMDB Web Service API.



    Note In the UCMDB webservice URL and Multi-tenant UCMDB webservice URL fields, you do not need to enter http:// or any trailing slashes. You only need to provide the host name, port, and the Web Services API to the HPE Universal CMDB server.

  6. Click Save.