
SMSSMEX integrates a single Service Manager server with multiple external help desk systems.

  • ITSMA Service Management Server is the HPE service desk system.
  • Service Manager DB provides persistent storage for ITSMA Service Management.
  • SMSSMEX Client Code consists of RAD and Java scripts, table definitions and GUI formats. The SMSSMEX webservices are called from this client code.
  • WebServer is a Tomcat Web Application Server or WebLogic Application Server that hosts the SMSSMEX WebService (deployed as a .war file).
  • SMSSMEX WebService exposes the incident webservice of ITSMA Service Management in the SAP format and transfers client requests to SAP Solution Manager webservices.
  • SMSSMEX Database provides persistent storage for the SMSSMEX WebService.
  • SAP Solution Manager is the Service Desk.