Centralized CI Type Management

The Service Manager Enhanced Generic Adapter allows centralized CI type management. Centralized CI type management enables you to manage CI types from UCMDB without the need to do much tailoring work on the Service Management (SM) side. You can then synchronize CIs from UCMDB to SM through data push.

Managing Out-Of-the-Box CI Types

Service Management and UCMDB provide out-of-the-box CI types, as well as mapping files for them. To modify an out-of-the-box CI type (for example, adding new attributes according to your business needs), you only need to open the Visual Mapping tool, manually add new attributes to this CI type, and then apply the update without leaving UCMDB. The new attribute will be automatically added to the relevant web service object on the SM side.

Managing New Custom CI Types

To add a new CI type according to your business needs, you only need to add a new CI type and create a TQL query in UCMDB, and then create a matching SM CI type by using the Visual Mapping Tool without the need to leave UCMDB.

When you create a new SM CI type in the UCMDB Visual Mapping Tool interface, all relevant SM objects (DBDICT, JoinDef, Web Service API, DEM Rule, and so on) for the new CI type are automatically created on the SM side, except the format and icon (the new CI type uses the configurationItem format by default).

Note The population feature enables you to synchronize CIs from SM to UCMDB. For information about the circumstances under which you need to use the population feature, see When Do I Need the Population Feature?.