How to Add the UCMDB and UCMDB Browser Connection Information

The UCMDB-SM integration requires the UCMDB connection information to obtain CI attribute information from the UCMDB system, and display it in the Actual State section in the Service Manager configuration item form; it also requires the UCMDB Browser connection information to retrieve data from the UCMDB Browser and display the data to Service Management users.

Caution If you do not specify the correct connection information, an error, instead of correct CI related data, is displayed to Service Management users.

This task includes the following steps:

  1. Log in to Service Manager as a system administrator.
  2. Click Tailoring > Integration Manager.
  3. Click Add.
  4. In the Integration Template field, select SMtoUCMDB.

    Some fields in the form are automatically populated with a value. The empty fields can be ignored.

  5. (Optional) Update the Name, Log Level, and Description fields as needed.
  6. On the UCMDB Server Configuration tab, provide a value for each field in the following table.

    Important When specifying the UCMDB URLs, use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) rather than the IP address of the server.

    Field Description
    UCMDB webservice URL

    Enter the URL to the HPE Universal CMDB web service API. The URL has the following format:

    http://<UCMDB server name>:<port>/axis2/services/ucmdbSMService

    Replace <UCMDB server name> with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of your UCMDB server, and replace <port> with the communications port your UCMDB server uses.

    User Id

    Enter the user name required to manage CIs on the UCMDB system. For example, enter admin , which is the out-of-the-box administrator user name.
    Password Enter the password required to manage CIs on the UCMDB system. For example, enter admin , which is out-of-box password for the admin user account.
    Multi-tenant UCMDB webservice URL

    This is the URL that Service Manager uses to synchronize company records with UCMDB when running in multi-company mode. This URL should use the following format:

    http://<UCMDB server name>:<port>/axis2/services/UcmdbManagementService.

    Replace <UCMDB server name> with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of your UCMDB server, and replace <port> with the communications port your UCMDB server uses.



    This is the UCMDB account (user name/password) that has the privilege to add/delete company records.
  7. Click Test Connection to verify that your UCMDB Server configuration is correct.
  8. On the UCMDB Browser Configuration tab, configure each field or option as described in the following table.

    Field / Option Default value Description
    UCMDB Browser URL  

    Enter your UCMDB Browser URL in the following format:

    http://<UCMDB Browser server name>:<port>/ucmdb-browser

    Replace <UCMDB Browser server name> and <port> with the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) and communications port of the UCMDB Browser server host, respectively.

    Important When specifying the UCMDB Browser URL, use the FQDN rather than the IP address of the server host.

    Note If you specify the UCMDB Browser URL here, the View in UCMDB Browser button will replace the View in UCMDB button in CI records synchronized from UCMDB; only when you leave this field empty, the View in UCMDB button will appear.

    Show UCMDB Browser Impact widget false (disabled)

    (Optional) Select this option if you want to embed the UCMDB Browser Impact widget in Service Management.

    Tip This option shows or hides the Impact Widget tab on this page.

    Show UCMDB Browser CI Visualization widget false (disabled)

    (Optional) Select this option if you want to embed the UCMDB Browser CI Visualization widget in Service Management.

    Tip This option shows or hides the CI Visualization Widget tab on this page.

    Use a dedicated user account false (disabled)

    (Optional) Select this option if LW-SSO is not enabled for the integration and you want to configure a dedicated UCMDB Browser user account for users to view UCMDB Browser data from Service Management.

    This option enables users to access UCMDB Browser data directly from the Service Management user interface without the need to enter a user name and password, and is therefore useful when LW-SSO is not enabled for the integration.

    For example, this dedicated user account is used when users view an embedded UCMDB Browser widget (such as CI Visualization and Impact Simulation) from a Service Management record or when users click the View in UCMDB Browser button from a CI record in Service Management.

    Note This option takes effect only when LW-SSO is not enabled for the integration. If you have enabled both LW-SSO and this option for the integration, LW-SSO is used.

    Tip This option shows or hides the Dedicated User tab on this page.

    Impact Widget tab > Maximum Trigger CIs per Impact Graph 100

    This is the maximum number of CIs that Service Manager is allowed to send to the UCMDB Browser as trigger CIs when running impact simulation. For example, if the number of affected service and CIs of a Change record exceeds this value, when users click Run Impact Analysis for the Change record, the impact analysis result is displayed on multiple pages, each of which except the last one contains a Next button on the top. Users can click Next to view the next impact simulation graph.

    Caution The value of this field must not be greater than 100.

    Impact Widget tab > Impact Bundle  

    This is a rule bundle that is defined in the UCMDB Server and will be used for impact analysis.

    If you leave this field blank, the List of impact rule bundles setting in UCMDB will be used. To access this setting in UCMDB, go to Administration > Infrastructure Settings Manager, and choose UCMDB Browser Settings. An empty value of this setting means all rule bundles will be used.

    Impact Widget tab > Default Impact Severity critical

    This is the default impact severity for impact analysis. You can set it to critical, high, medium, low, or none.

    Note A severity of "none" will be used when this field is left blank.

    CI Visualization Widget tab > Filter TQL for CI Visualization   This is a filter TQL query that is used to retrieve CI relationship graphs from the UCMDB Browser. A filter TQL query is used to restrict the CI types and relationship types that you want to display on each relationship graph.
    Dedicated User tab > User Id  

    Create a dedicated user account in the UCMDB Browser and grant appropriate permissions to this account.

    Caution This user account must be granted only limited permissions that are just enough to view the Impact Simulation, Get Related, and History widgets and to access CIs. For information about how to specify which widgets are displayed to a user and how to authorize CI access for a user, refer to the UCMDB Browser Installation and Configuration Guide.

    Enter the user name in this field.

    Dedicated User tab > Encrypted Password  

    Obtain an encrypted value of the password of the dedicated user account, and enter the value in this field.

    To obtain an encrypted value for the password of a UCMDB Browser user account, follow these steps:

    1. Open the UCMDB URL in your browser.
    2. Click JMX Console from the login page.
    3. Log in to the JMX Console as an administrator.
    4. Search for getencryptedPasswordForURL and then open this section.
    5. In the User Name and Password fields, enter the user name and password of the user account that you want to use.
    6. Click Invoke.

      An encrypted value of the password is returned.

  9. Click Finish.

    Service Management creates an SMtoUCMDB integration instance.

  10. Go to Integration Manager, and then click the SMtoUCMDB integration instance.
  11. Click Next until the Initialize link becomes active, and then click the link.

    Note This step creates records in the cirelationship1to1 table so that CI relationships can be properly populated to UCMDB.

  12. Click Finish to go back to Integration Manager, select the SMtoUCMDB integration instance, and then click Enable to enable the integration instance.