Use > Problem Management > Problem Management overview > Integration > Integration: Knowledge Management

Integration: Knowledge Management

Problem information can be promoted to ITSMA Service Management Knowledge Management module; when you search for potential resolutions in Knowledge Management, you can find applicable workarounds from Problem records.

Service Management Knowledge Management module is a fully integrated solution for knowledge-management support. It supports Knowledge-Centered Support (KCS) standards and guidelines by providing a natural language search engine and rich-text authoring tools that enable you to search, update, and author knowledge articles.

Knowledge Management integrates with Interaction, Incident, and Problem records so that you are able to search for and use knowledge from the existing Incidents or Problems while attempting to resolve a new Incident or Problem, or to create new knowledge. You can also use the rich-text editor to include image files and document files of various types as attachments that can be linked to other documents or included as part of an existing document.