What is the ScriptLibrary?

The ScriptLibrary is a file within ITSMA Service Management used to create, edit, compile, test, and store scripts and functions that can be called and executed from anywhere within Service Management. The ScriptLibrary contains JavaScripts created by users. It is a central place for you to create, edit, compile, test, and store scripts and functions.

Some of these stored JavaScript programs can be used to interface with third party Web Services providers, such as real-time currency conversions. All of these JavaScripts are identified as SOAP packages within the ScriptLibrary. Integrations are typically performed through JavaScript stored in the Script Library as well.

Note Do not use Administrative Mode when entering the ScriptLibrary because functions such as compile and execute are not available in that mode.

You can access any script or function in the ScriptLibrary from any of the locations in ITSMA Service Management that support JavaScript. To call one of these functions, use one of the following statements:

system.library.<scriptname>.<functionname>( parameters )


library.<scriptname>.<functionname>( parameters )