Develop > Programming Guide > System language > Call a RAD application

Call a RAD application

You can call a RAD application from the following places in ITSMA Service Management:

  • Display Options
  • Format Control
  • Scripts
  • Processes
  • Triggers

When you call a RAD application, you may need to pass the required parameters. These parameters consist of a parameter name and a value.

Note Service Management does not currently support calls from JavaScript on any RAD application that uses the rio/fdisp panels. Avoid calls from JavaScript on RAD applications that use the rio or fdisp panels. If you cannot avoid doing so, always set the RunInNewThread parameter to true. This does not work for all cases.

To find view the parameters, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the RAD you want to use. See Locate a RAD function.
  2. Click View when you have the RAD application panel displayed. This displays a list of parameter to pass.
  3. Position the cursor on each parameter and then click Help to view the name of the field used as the parameter.

Note To display the field help, make sure either of the following conditions is fulfilled:

  • In the Windows client, click Preferences > HPE Service Manager > Appearance and then select the Show context-sensitive help debug information option.
  • In the Web client, viewcontexthelp=true is appended to the URL before you log in.