Use > Service Catalogs > Self-service access > Searching the Service Catalog

Searching the Service Catalog

The Service Catalog enables users to search for services, items, and bundles in the language in which the user is logged on to the system. For example, if a user logs on in French, the user enters a description in French when searching and the items or bundles available display in French. Also, when the user selects a category to search within, the list of categories displays all categories available to the user in French.

If a manager or a user searches the catalog in a localized language and there is not a localized version of the item, the search will not find the item. However, if a user or manager uses a search filtered on a category, any non-localized items or bundles within the category display in English because the base language in ITSMA Service Management is English.

This also means that items created in English but not localized are found by a search, but these items do not display in the search results if a user is logged in to the system in a language other than English. This occurs because there is no localized display name for the item in the system. To prevent this situation, as a best practice, localize all data to the desired language before users start using the Service Catalog.