Service agreement tables and applications

Service agreements use several tables to store and manage data.

To view a table, use the Database Manager utility (Tailoring > Database Manager) or the Database dictionary (Tailoring > Database Dictionary).

Table name Description Comments
outage Contains one record for each planned or unplanned outage. These records may be merged together, linked to outageevent records, or they can be split or deleted when Service Level Management recalculates an outage event.  
outagedetail Contains one record for each outage and includes downtime information.  
outageevent Contains one record for each planned or unplanned outage.  
sla Contains one record for each service agreement (SLA, OLA, or UC).  
slaactive Contains one slaactive record for each enabled application record that has an associated service agreement. Slaactive records contain response time and Service Level Target information. Each record includes the current state and time, and an array of past state changes and times.  
slacontrol Contains only one record with settings that enable the Service Level Management application, check or override service hours, specify the default SLM, and identify standard availability alerts. There are no default values; you must edit the record to enable any feature or setting.
slamodulecontrol Contains one out-of-box record for each ITSMA Service Management application that can integrate with Service Level Management. Records in the table do not automatically enable application integration. You must select or clear the Enable SLMs in this application checkbox in each record to enable or disable SLM integration with each Service Management application.
slamonthly Contains a summary of monthly outage information for affected Configuration Items.  
slamonthlyag Contains one record for each SLM with a summary of monthly response information.  
slaprofile Contains one record for each user profile.  
slaresponse Contains records with response time information collected from sloresponse records. Includes the number of affected and breached records, mean, median, and standard deviation data.  
slo Contains one record for each response time Service Level Target (SLT). Each record contains an field that identifies the parent service agreement.  
sloavail Contains one record for each Service Target. Each record contains the field that identifies the parent service agreement.  
slocatalog Contains one record for each Process Target or Service Target.  
sloresponse Contains one record for each enabled application record that has an associated SLT. Sloresponse records describe response time metrics, including a breach flag for missed targets. One application record can have multiple associated sloresponse records that display as a virtual join in the application record.
sloresponsehist Contains records that include historical information for service level targets, such as the total elapsed time per target itself or the total elapsed time an assignment group spends on a record. You can use the information in this table to better understand and analyze the elapsed time of the service level targets that are associated with a record.