Use > Survey > Survey > SM Survey administrator tasks > Automatic selection of survey templates

Automatic selection of survey templates

In the out-of-box system, only one survey template (named DEFAULT) is provided. Because SM Survey supports multiple templates, there may be multiple survey templates in your system. Each survey must be associated to a survey template through the Survey Template field.

When you create a scheduled survey or send a manual survey, before you select a survey template, the system prepopulates the Survey Template field based on certain rules; when a survey is automatically triggered by a rule set in a workflow, the system selects a survey template based on certain rules as well. These rules are described in the following section.

Scheduled surveys

When you create a scheduled survey, the system prepopulates the Survey Template field with a published template according to the following fields (listed from the highest to the lowest priority):

  • Module: The system first looks for templates whose Module field is set to the same module defined in the survey. If no such templates are found, the system looks for templates whose Module field is empty.
  • Template ID: If multiple templates are found, the system selects the one with the smallest template ID.

Note The Condition field is ignored when the system selects a survey template for a scheduled survey.

Manual surveys

When you send a manual survey, the system prepopulates the Survey Template field with a published template according to the following fields (listed from the highest to the lowest priority):

  • Module: The system first looks for templates whose Module field is set to the same module defined in the survey. If no such templates are found, the system continues to look for templates whose Module field is empty.
  • Condition: If multiple survey templates are found, the system continues to evaluate the Condition setting defined in each template.

    Note For templates that contain an empty Module value, this step is not needed and skipped.

  • Template ID: If multiple survey templates whose condition evaluates to true are found, the system selects the one with the smallest template ID.

Rule-based surveys

Rule-based surveys are surveys that are automatically triggered by a rule set in a Process Designer workflow. For more information, see Use a rule set to send surveys.

When sending a rule-based survey, the system selects a survey template as follows:

  1. Locate a survey template based on the same rules for manual surveys.
  2. If no applicable templates are found, the system selects the survey template that is defined in the Default survey template name field in the Survey Settings form. For more information, see Configure the global survey settings.