Use > Survey > Survey > SM Survey user tasks > Edit an existing survey template

Edit an existing survey template

User roles: Survey Administrator, Survey Manager

Survey templates are managed by a workflow of three phases: Draft, Published, and Retired. You can edit a survey template only when it is in the Draft phase. If a survey template is in the Published or Retired phase, you have to move it back to the Draft phase before you can edit it.

Tip You can always edit or retire a survey template, no matter whether there are open surveys associated to it. When a survey is created, SM Survey takes a snapshot of the survey questions and stores the snapshot in the survey record in the database. After the creation of the survey, no matter whether the associated survey template is updated or retired and whether the survey questions are updated, the survey is always rendered based on the snapshot.

Note In some cases, a survey may not have a snapshot stored in the database, for example, a survey that is upgraded from a version earlier than Service Management 9.50. Considering this scenario, SM Survey renders surveys based on one of the following items, which are listed from the highest to lowest priority: snapshot, template ID, and the default survey template defined in the Survey Settings form (Survey Management > Administration > Survey Settings).

To edit an existing survey template, follow these steps:

  1. In the system navigator, click Survey Management > Administration > Search Templates.

  2. In the search form, enter your search criteria.

    You can search survey templates by Template ID, Name, Module, or Phase. You can also use advanced search.

  3. Click Search to directly open the survey template or open it from a list of survey templates.

  4. If the template is in the Published phase, click Revise to move it to the Draft phase.

  5. If the template is in the Retired phase, click Unretire move it to the Draft phase.

  6. If the template is in the Draft phase, edit it directly. For example, you can add or remove questions or change the module. For details, see Create a survey template.

  7. Click Save.